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2016-06-25 23:23Emmett Palaima Interaction Between mxadsr and maxalloc
2016-06-25 18:32Richard csound can't be interrupted when in segfault
2016-06-25 11:24joachim heintz table / ptable
2016-06-24 15:12"Joe ." mod 12
2016-06-21 19:16Ffanci Silvain Still no audio from Mixer opcodes
2016-06-21 18:42Ffanci Silvain STK opcodes problems (no sound or inf amplitude)
2016-06-21 18:03joachim heintz sdif to pvoc-ex
2016-06-20 19:57Guillermo Senna if...then crash
2016-06-20 07:31Francesco Porta websockets
2016-06-20 05:03Ayush <000000a6f055669a-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Csound for android fluidsynth opcodes problem
2016-06-20 01:55Emmett Palaima Active Opcode Output Changing Before Instrument is Done
2016-06-19 15:18jpff odd stars
2016-06-19 13:45nic.bern@TISCALI.ITthat's so exciting
2016-06-19 07:53"Joe ." issues?
2016-06-18 19:46Menno Knevel mp3 issue
2016-06-18 09:25Rory Walsh csoundGetTableArgs() question...
2016-06-18 07:58Ayush <000000a6f055669a-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Csound beginner problem
2016-06-17 18:18Bernt Isak WærstadUDO based looper - resetting tablewa
2016-06-17 09:19Andreas Bergsland Highpass effect of DC block filter
2016-06-16 11:40ebmtranceboy Re: [blue] 2.6.0 tests on Raspberry pi 3
2016-06-14 11:05ebmtranceboy [blue] 2.6.0 tests on Raspberry pi 3
2016-06-14 03:37Rodolfo Cangiotti Issue with diskin2 opcode
2016-06-13 10:47Francois PINOT Re: Jupyter notebook and icsound
2016-06-12 23:23Partev Barr Sarkissian OT: Dave
2016-06-12 08:24Rory Walsh [slightly ot] 8-bit processing block?
2016-06-11 01:43Forrest Curo FL opcodes not working on my ubuntu system
2016-06-10 11:58daniele Cancellation
2016-06-10 11:13Francesco Scagliola Le cose che devono accadere
2016-06-10 06:08Michael Mossey impulse response weirdness
2016-06-09 18:31Dave Seidel OT: new release, The Problem of Moments
2016-06-09 06:56Michael Mossey Cabbage with reverb example
2016-06-08 22:34Rory Walsh Csound and Visual Studio...
2016-06-08 16:231595ayush <000000a6f055669a-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Csound in Cmake
2016-06-08 15:24"Joe ." a list of stupid questions
2016-06-08 09:09Richard [OT] Amazing midi controller...
2016-06-06 13:36Chuckk Hubbard Keep Csound open with file output
2016-06-04 21:29jpff Request for examples for the manual
2016-06-02 20:24ebmtranceboy Re: pffft and NTC C.H.I.P (was Re: [Csnd] pffft.c and Raspberry Pi 3)
2016-06-02 19:44Anders Genell pffft and NTC C.H.I.P (was Re: [Csnd] pffft.c and Raspberry Pi 3)
2016-06-01 17:12"jpff,,," Administrivia
2016-05-31 20:34Brian Merchant Using Python and Csound -- a newb question
2016-05-31 14:39jpff Question on printks and printk
2016-05-30 21:20joachim heintz [OT] Seoul june 16-19
2016-05-30 09:04Francesco Porta prints opcode
2016-05-29 14:11Aaron Krister Johnson Slightly O.T. -- Soundpipe questions
2016-05-29 06:30Francois PINOT Jupyter notebook
2016-05-28 19:44bubget Slider parameter "Lock" feature
2016-05-27 22:54bubget Delving deeper into OpCode
2016-05-27 13:58Vincent Michalke csound android apk from newest release
2016-05-27 13:43Rory Walsh java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no _jcsound6 in java.library.path