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Error when trying to use vst4cs

Date2016-08-28 23:29
FromD Vyd
SubjectError when trying to use vst4cs

I downloaded Michael Gogin's installer for Csound version 6.04 with the vst4cs opcodes. I keep getting the same syntax error which suggests the opcodes may not be recognized no matter how I modify my orchestra. I'm pasting the error and the source file below. Any help would be appreciated! I use Windows 10. 

Thank you,


Csound version 6.05 (double samples) Apr 24 2015
UnifiedCSD:  Z:/Users/dvyd/Documents/projects/My_Music/mulab/midi_import_export_test_01/R_export_csound.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT  (token "vstinit") from file Z:/Users/dvyd/Documents/projects/My_Music/mulab/midi_import_export_test_01/R_export_csound.csd (1)
 line 21:
>>>giv1 vstinit  <<<
Unexpected untyped word giv1 when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure
cannot compile orchestra
end of score.              overall amps:      0.0
           overall samples out of range:        0
1 errors in performance


-m3 --displays -odac

sr = 44100
ksmps = 20
nchnls = 2

giv1 vstinit "Z:\\VST_Plugins_32bit\\cheezemachine\\Metal Skin\\Cheeze Machine.dll", 1

instr 1
ain1      =           0
ab1, ab2  vstaudio    giv1, ain1, ain1
          outs        ab1, ab2

instr 2
          vstmidiout  v1, 144, 1, p4, p5

i 1 0 250

i 2 0 1 116 100
i 2 1 4 67 100
i 2 5 1 35 100
i 2 6 4 24 100

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2016-09-08 00:23
SubjectRe: Error when trying to use vst4cs


I've continued to troubleshoot my problem with vst4cs. I'm basing my attempts on Michael Gogins' example here: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/vstinit.html .  I redownloaded the version of Csound with the vst4cs opcodes and downloaded the recent version of the Pianoteq demo referenced in the vstinit example.

When I select "configure" in CsoundQT, I get the following error: "No real-time audio modules were found. Make sure OPCODE6DIR64 is set properly in your system or the configuration dialog. " I am not sure if this is causing the later error I receive, but I've been unable to set it properly. Is it an environment variable? Where should it point? I am using Windows 10.

When I run the code pasted further below, I receive this error in the terminal window:

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>echo "csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "
"csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd"
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.05 (double samples) Apr 24 2015
UnifiedCSD:  Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT  (token "vstinit") from file Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd (1)
 line 27:
>>>gipianoteq      vstinit  <<<
Unexpected untyped word gipianoteq when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure

Here is the csd file:



; Credits: Adapted by Michael Gogins

; from code by David Horowitz and Lian Cheung.

; The "--displays" option is required in order for

; the Pianoteq GUI to dispatch events and display properly.

-m3 --displays -odac



sr = 44100

ksmps = 20

nchnls = 2

; Load the Pianoteq into memory.

gipianoteq vstinit "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steinberg\\VstPlugins\\Pianoteq 5.dll", 1

; Print information about the Pianoteq, such as parameter names and numbers.

vstinfo gipianoteq

; Open the Pianoteq's GUI.

vstedit gipianoteq

; Send notes from the score to the Pianoteq.

instr 1

; MIDI channels are numbered starting at 0.

; p3 always contains the duration of the note.

; p4 contains the MIDI key number (pitch),

; p5 contains the MIDI velocity number (loudness),

imidichannel init 0

vstnote gipianoteq, imidichannel, p4, p5, p3


; Send parameter changes to the Pianoteq.

instr 2

; p4 is the parameter number.

; p5 is the parameter value.

vstparamset gipianoteq, p4, p5


; Send audio from the Pianoteq to the output.

instr 3

ablankinput init 0

aleft, aright vstaudio gipianoteq, ablankinput, ablankinput

outs aleft, aright




; Turn on the instrument that receives audio from the Pianoteq indefinitely.

i 3 0 -1

; Send parameter changes to Pianoteq before sending any notes.

; NOTE: All parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

; Length of piano strings:

i 2 0 1 33 0.5

; Hammer noise:

i 2 0 1 25 0.1

; Send a C major 7th arpeggio to the Pianoteq.

i 1 1 10 60 76

i 1 2 10 64 73

i 1 3 10 67 70

i 1 4 10 71 67

; End the performance, leaving some time

; for the Pianoteq to finish sending out its audio,

; or for the user to play with the Pianoteq virtual keyboard.

e 20



Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Date2016-09-08 01:01
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Error when trying to use vst4cs

Either you don't have the VST opcodes in your installation of Csound, or you do, but they are a different CPU architecture than your Csound.

The official release of Csound does not have the VST opcodes, you have to get that release from my Web site.

Hope this helps,

On Sep 7, 2016 7:23 PM, "d.vyd@outlook.com" <d.vyd@outlook.com> wrote:


I've continued to troubleshoot my problem with vst4cs. I'm basing my attempts on Michael Gogins' example here: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/vstinit.html .  I redownloaded the version of Csound with the vst4cs opcodes and downloaded the recent version of the Pianoteq demo referenced in the vstinit example.

When I select "configure" in CsoundQT, I get the following error: "No real-time audio modules were found. Make sure OPCODE6DIR64 is set properly in your system or the configuration dialog. " I am not sure if this is causing the later error I receive, but I've been unable to set it properly. Is it an environment variable? Where should it point? I am using Windows 10.

When I run the code pasted further below, I receive this error in the terminal window:

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>echo "csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "
"csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd"
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.05 (double samples) Apr 24 2015
UnifiedCSD:  Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT  (token "vstinit") from file Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd (1)
 line 27:
>>>gipianoteq      vstinit  <<<
Unexpected untyped word gipianoteq when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure

Here is the csd file:



; Credits: Adapted by Michael Gogins

; from code by David Horowitz and Lian Cheung.

; The "--displays" option is required in order for

; the Pianoteq GUI to dispatch events and display properly.

-m3 --displays -odac



sr = 44100

ksmps = 20

nchnls = 2

; Load the Pianoteq into memory.

gipianoteq vstinit "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steinberg\\VstPlugins\\Pianoteq 5.dll", 1

; Print information about the Pianoteq, such as parameter names and numbers.

vstinfo gipianoteq

; Open the Pianoteq's GUI.

vstedit gipianoteq

; Send notes from the score to the Pianoteq.

instr 1

; MIDI channels are numbered starting at 0.

; p3 always contains the duration of the note.

; p4 contains the MIDI key number (pitch),

; p5 contains the MIDI velocity number (loudness),

imidichannel init 0

vstnote gipianoteq, imidichannel, p4, p5, p3


; Send parameter changes to the Pianoteq.

instr 2

; p4 is the parameter number.

; p5 is the parameter value.

vstparamset gipianoteq, p4, p5


; Send audio from the Pianoteq to the output.

instr 3

ablankinput init 0

aleft, aright vstaudio gipianoteq, ablankinput, ablankinput

outs aleft, aright




; Turn on the instrument that receives audio from the Pianoteq indefinitely.

i 3 0 -1

; Send parameter changes to Pianoteq before sending any notes.

; NOTE: All parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

; Length of piano strings:

i 2 0 1 33 0.5

; Hammer noise:

i 2 0 1 25 0.1

; Send a C major 7th arpeggio to the Pianoteq.

i 1 1 10 60 76

i 1 2 10 64 73

i 1 3 10 67 70

i 1 4 10 71 67

; End the performance, leaving some time

; for the Pianoteq to finish sending out its audio,

; or for the user to play with the Pianoteq virtual keyboard.

e 20



Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2016-09-08 20:24
SubjectRe: Error when trying to use vst4cs

Thank you Mike. I'm using Setup_Csound6_6.05.2beta-vst.exe from your website. CsoundQT & Csound seem to work fine. The issue seems to be just with the VST opcodes. Do I need to enable them somehow? I'm using 64bit Windows 10. Could that be the problem?    

From: A discussion list for users of Csound <CSOUND@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> on behalf of Michael Gogins <michael.gogins@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:01:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Error when trying to use vst4cs

Either you don't have the VST opcodes in your installation of Csound, or you do, but they are a different CPU architecture than your Csound.

The official release of Csound does not have the VST opcodes, you have to get that release from my Web site.

Hope this helps,

On Sep 7, 2016 7:23 PM, "d.vyd@outlook.com" <d.vyd@outlook.com> wrote:


I've continued to troubleshoot my problem with vst4cs. I'm basing my attempts on Michael Gogins' example here: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/vstinit.html .  I redownloaded the version of Csound with the vst4cs opcodes and downloaded the recent version of the Pianoteq demo referenced in the vstinit example.

When I select "configure" in CsoundQT, I get the following error: "No real-time audio modules were found. Make sure OPCODE6DIR64 is set properly in your system or the configuration dialog. " I am not sure if this is causing the later error I receive, but I've been unable to set it properly. Is it an environment variable? Where should it point? I am using Windows 10.

When I run the code pasted further below, I receive this error in the terminal window:

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>echo "csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "
"csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd"
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.05 (double samples) Apr 24 2015
UnifiedCSD:  Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT  (token "vstinit") from file Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd (1)
 line 27:
>>>gipianoteq      vstinit  <<<
Unexpected untyped word gipianoteq when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure

Here is the csd file:



; Credits: Adapted by Michael Gogins

; from code by David Horowitz and Lian Cheung.

; The "--displays" option is required in order for

; the Pianoteq GUI to dispatch events and display properly.

-m3 --displays -odac



sr = 44100

ksmps = 20

nchnls = 2

; Load the Pianoteq into memory.

gipianoteq vstinit "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steinberg\\VstPlugins\\Pianoteq 5.dll", 1

; Print information about the Pianoteq, such as parameter names and numbers.

vstinfo gipianoteq

; Open the Pianoteq's GUI.

vstedit gipianoteq

; Send notes from the score to the Pianoteq.

instr 1

; MIDI channels are numbered starting at 0.

; p3 always contains the duration of the note.

; p4 contains the MIDI key number (pitch),

; p5 contains the MIDI velocity number (loudness),

imidichannel init 0

vstnote gipianoteq, imidichannel, p4, p5, p3


; Send parameter changes to the Pianoteq.

instr 2

; p4 is the parameter number.

; p5 is the parameter value.

vstparamset gipianoteq, p4, p5


; Send audio from the Pianoteq to the output.

instr 3

ablankinput init 0

aleft, aright vstaudio gipianoteq, ablankinput, ablankinput

outs aleft, aright




; Turn on the instrument that receives audio from the Pianoteq indefinitely.

i 3 0 -1

; Send parameter changes to Pianoteq before sending any notes.

; NOTE: All parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

; Length of piano strings:

i 2 0 1 33 0.5

; Hammer noise:

i 2 0 1 25 0.1

; Send a C major 7th arpeggio to the Pianoteq.

i 1 1 10 60 76

i 1 2 10 64 73

i 1 3 10 67 70

i 1 4 10 71 67

; End the performance, leaving some time

; for the Pianoteq to finish sending out its audio,

; or for the user to play with the Pianoteq virtual keyboard.

e 20



Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2016-09-08 23:23
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Error when trying to use vst4cs

You have the opcodes. The problem is something else. As I recall that build of Csound is for 32 bit CPU architecture. It may be that your VST plugins are for 64 bit CPU architecture. As I recall Pianoteq comes with both, try the other one.

About Windows 10, I don't know, I don't have it yet.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 3:24 PM, d.vyd@outlook.com <d.vyd@outlook.com> wrote:

Thank you Mike. I'm using Setup_Csound6_6.05.2beta-vst.exe from your website. CsoundQT & Csound seem to work fine. The issue seems to be just with the VST opcodes. Do I need to enable them somehow? I'm using 64bit Windows 10. Could that be the problem?    

From: A discussion list for users of Csound <CSOUND@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> on behalf of Michael Gogins <michael.gogins@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:01:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Error when trying to use vst4cs

Either you don't have the VST opcodes in your installation of Csound, or you do, but they are a different CPU architecture than your Csound.

The official release of Csound does not have the VST opcodes, you have to get that release from my Web site.

Hope this helps,

On Sep 7, 2016 7:23 PM, "d.vyd@outlook.com" <d.vyd@outlook.com> wrote:

Thank you Mike. I'm using Setup_Csound6_6.05.2beta-vst.exe from your website. CsoundQT & Csound seem to work fine. The issue seems to be just with the VST opcodes. Do I need to enable them somehow? I'm using 64bit Windows 10. Could that be the problem?    

From: A discussion list for users of Csound <CSOUND@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> on behalf of Michael Gogins <michael.gogins@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:01:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Error when trying to use vst4cs

Either you don't have the VST opcodes in your installation of Csound, or you do, but they are a different CPU architecture than your Csound.

The official release of Csound does not have the VST opcodes, you have to get that release from my Web site.

Hope this helps,

On Sep 7, 2016 7:23 PM, "d.vyd@outlook.com" <d.vyd@outlook.com> wrote:


I've continued to troubleshoot my problem with vst4cs. I'm basing my attempts on Michael Gogins' example here: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/vstinit.html .  I redownloaded the version of Csound with the vst4cs opcodes and downloaded the recent version of the Pianoteq demo referenced in the vstinit example.

When I select "configure" in CsoundQT, I get the following error: "No real-time audio modules were found. Make sure OPCODE6DIR64 is set properly in your system or the configuration dialog. " I am not sure if this is causing the later error I receive, but I've been unable to set it properly. Is it an environment variable? Where should it point? I am using Windows 10.

When I run the code pasted further below, I receive this error in the terminal window:

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>echo "csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "
"csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd" "

Z:\Users\david\Documents\projects\My_Music\Csound>csound.exe -b1024 -j4 -+rtaudio=null -iadc -odac --env:CSNOSTOP=yes "Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd"
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.05 (double samples) Apr 24 2015
UnifiedCSD:  Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT  (token "vstinit") from file Z:/Users/david/Documents/projects/My_Music/Csound/vstinit_test_01.csd (1)
 line 27:
>>>gipianoteq      vstinit  <<<
Unexpected untyped word gipianoteq when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure

Here is the csd file:



; Credits: Adapted by Michael Gogins

; from code by David Horowitz and Lian Cheung.

; The "--displays" option is required in order for

; the Pianoteq GUI to dispatch events and display properly.

-m3 --displays -odac



sr = 44100

ksmps = 20

nchnls = 2

; Load the Pianoteq into memory.

gipianoteq vstinit "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steinberg\\VstPlugins\\Pianoteq 5.dll", 1

; Print information about the Pianoteq, such as parameter names and numbers.

vstinfo gipianoteq

; Open the Pianoteq's GUI.

vstedit gipianoteq

; Send notes from the score to the Pianoteq.

instr 1

; MIDI channels are numbered starting at 0.

; p3 always contains the duration of the note.

; p4 contains the MIDI key number (pitch),

; p5 contains the MIDI velocity number (loudness),

imidichannel init 0

vstnote gipianoteq, imidichannel, p4, p5, p3


; Send parameter changes to the Pianoteq.

instr 2

; p4 is the parameter number.

; p5 is the parameter value.

vstparamset gipianoteq, p4, p5


; Send audio from the Pianoteq to the output.

instr 3

ablankinput init 0

aleft, aright vstaudio gipianoteq, ablankinput, ablankinput

outs aleft, aright




; Turn on the instrument that receives audio from the Pianoteq indefinitely.

i 3 0 -1

; Send parameter changes to Pianoteq before sending any notes.

; NOTE: All parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

; Length of piano strings:

i 2 0 1 33 0.5

; Hammer noise:

i 2 0 1 25 0.1

; Send a C major 7th arpeggio to the Pianoteq.

i 1 1 10 60 76

i 1 2 10 64 73

i 1 3 10 67 70

i 1 4 10 71 67

; End the performance, leaving some time

; for the Pianoteq to finish sending out its audio,

; or for the user to play with the Pianoteq virtual keyboard.

e 20



Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here