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2017-01-31 08:12Eduardo Moguillansky Array as arguments to ftgen
2017-01-30 23:39Michael Gogins ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday evening, February 2
2017-01-29 12:40Zohar Argaman algorithmic composition for video
2017-01-27 19:25Gleb How to optimize array sorting?
2017-01-26 08:43Tarmo Johannes CsoundQt OSX 10.12
2017-01-25 22:44Arthur Hunkins A New Csound Composition
2017-01-25 14:32Daniele building csound with vst4cs on OSX
2017-01-23 13:53Dave Phillips macro error ?
2017-01-22 20:30Andrea Strappa Re: outline for chrono-proportional score
2017-01-22 15:18Andrea Strappa outline for chrono-proportional score
2017-01-21 21:56"Dr. Richard Boulanger" Csound Sensing/Resensing Hardware - on the fly...
2017-01-21 11:55Andrea Strappa Re: output sound envelope in image file
2017-01-20 09:08Andrea Strappa Re: output sound envelope in image file
2017-01-19 22:40Andrea Strappa output sound envelope in image file
2017-01-19 10:17Eduardo Moguillansky named arguments
2017-01-19 06:33Emmett Palaima Suppress Score Event Print Output
2017-01-19 05:28Emmett Palaima i Statement P3 Samples Instead of Seconds
2017-01-19 02:56Emmett Palaima Audio Buffers in Csound
2017-01-18 17:30Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis Csound error in OM-Prisma library
2017-01-18 14:08"d.vyd@outlook.com" MIDI effects with CSOUND
2017-01-18 09:12Rory Walsh overriding CsOptions?
2017-01-17 16:54Asaf Crashes when using Csound API with real-time MIDI
2017-01-17 09:12Anton Kholomiov UDOs can silently change the local ksmps to the value of one of it's arguments
2017-01-17 06:59Emmett Palaima Generate Tukey Window for Reverse Delay UDO
2017-01-15 21:48Gleb How to write a user-defined format of data?
2017-01-15 21:47Richard Fireworks echo via convolution
2017-01-15 20:31Richard calculations on output variables
2017-01-13 14:55Aaron Krister Johnson Summer camp for tuning/temperament/microtonality people, 6/22 - 6/26
2017-01-13 10:28Tarmo Johannes New work - Estonian oratorio
2017-01-12 09:43Eduardo Moguillansky Some ugens
2017-01-12 08:03Gleb An Implementation of PQMF in Csound
2017-01-09 09:40Anton Kholomiov Using stateful opcodes in the loop with arrays
2017-01-08 11:20Luis Jure ICSC2017: official annoncement
2017-01-07 17:27Richard csound-api under node
2017-01-05 18:01Rory Walsh Csound packages on Linux...
2017-01-05 17:46Gabriele Battaglia <0000013f12e4daf0-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Creating an accessible Tuner.
2017-01-05 13:17Peter Burgess Optional outputs for UDO
2017-01-04 18:54Nitram Is latest version of CsoundQT (0.9.3) compatible with Mac OSX El Capitan (10.11.6)
2017-01-03 13:12Enrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Re: Csound granular opcode for spatial composition?
2017-01-03 00:43Michael Gogins Upcoming concerts
2017-01-02 16:01jpff Re: #define behavior chang
2017-01-02 11:27Stefan Thomas ampmidi and veloc
2017-01-01 16:20"jpff,,," Administrivia
2016-12-30 21:45Allessandro Valencia #define behavior change
2016-12-30 08:04Francesco Porta Re: Csound/fltk as a simple gui for forms?
2016-12-29 21:41"d.vyd@outlook.com" MIDI controller for incremental change
2016-12-29 16:23Vent Lion Command line argument parser?
2016-12-28 22:42Matti Koskinen lua integration with torch
2016-12-28 18:45David Bellows Csound/fltk as a simple gui for forms?
2016-12-27 16:37Rory Walsh Csound on RPi..