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2017-09-17 21:21Guillermo Senna [Csnd] a-var to k-var assignment
2017-09-17 19:34Bill Alves [Csnd] font sizes
2017-09-17 16:21joachim heintz [Csnd] new "Csound in iOS" chapter in csound floss manual
2017-09-17 14:00Dave Phillips [Csnd] [Music] One From Cabbage A, One From Cabbage B
2017-09-17 13:21Tarek Wayne [Csnd] Ipitch and Syncgrain
2017-09-14 19:38Arthur Hunkins <000001e1d761dea2-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>[Csnd] My Most Minimal Yet?
2017-09-12 16:45luis jure [Csnd] [ICSC2017] keynotes and workshops
2017-09-11 19:19Francesco Porta Re: [Csnd] getting fgens via API
2017-09-11 09:21Francesco Porta [Csnd] getting fgens via API
2017-09-09 00:29Tobiah [Csnd] How to interpret so many available audio devices.
2017-09-08 20:29Emmett Palaima [Csnd] What are tpidsr, pidsr, mpidsr, and mtpdsr?
2017-09-08 11:29Lars Indrek Hansson [Csnd] mail problems
2017-09-08 10:59Lars Indrek Hansson [Csnd] Csound and jack
2017-09-07 10:44Rory Walsh [Csnd] fout with .ogg
2017-09-07 00:15Tobiah [Csnd] Still need help with midi on windows
2017-09-06 21:54Roger Kelly [Csnd] Replacing table warning - ftgen
2017-09-06 21:10Roger Kelly [Csnd] fout - close the file
2017-09-06 18:41Emmett Palaima [Csnd] Purpose of Tanh Function in Moogladder Source Code
2017-09-06 17:48Tim Mortimer [Csnd] sc_phasor
2017-09-05 23:05Peter Burgess [Csnd] Feeling like a csPerfThread noob again...
2017-09-05 17:07Jason Timm [Csnd] loscil fractional frequency
2017-09-05 11:05Eduardo Moguillansky [Csnd] Error or end of score when using performanceThread
2017-09-05 02:14Arthur Hunkins <000001e1d761dea2-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>[Csnd] CsoundForAndroid Request
2017-09-04 23:48Andrea Strappa [Csnd] pluginlibs on Android Studio
2017-09-04 16:33luis jure [Csnd] [ICSC2017] call for performance proposals
2017-09-04 13:50Lars Indrek Hansson [Csnd] Jack .dll
2017-09-03 21:07Hlöðver Sigurðsson[Csnd] wasm set options
2017-09-03 09:42Andrea Strappa [Csnd] Cabbage32 and WindowsXp
2017-09-03 09:30Andrea Strappa Re: [Csnd] ANN: Reflections
2017-09-02 02:36Steven Yi [Csnd] ANN: Reflections
2017-09-01 20:25Hlöðver Sigurðsson[Csnd] ftgen01 in WASM
2017-09-01 17:16Michael Gogins [Csnd] REMINDER: Change of Schedule - Csound meeting this coming Tuesday evening
2017-09-01 04:27"jpff,,," [Csnd] Administrivia
2017-09-01 00:54Tobiah [Csnd] error: -+rtmidi='portmidi': unknown module
2017-08-30 08:25cvrn [Csnd] asio4all not working in Csound 6.09 / WIN 7
2017-08-29 02:26Benjamin Niemann [Csnd] Some questions around the channel API
2017-08-28 21:33Roger Kelly [Csnd] Envelope for sampler / declick
2017-08-28 19:21Roger Kelly [Csnd] loscil broken in 6.09
2017-08-28 09:14Andrea Strappa Re: [Csnd] QiBrd: thanks you all
2017-08-28 08:37Andrea Strappa Re: [Csnd] Csound-Android project
2017-08-27 18:53Charles Groves Re: [Csnd] CsoundQt crash in OSX
2017-08-27 16:26Charles Groves [Csnd] CsoundQt crash in OSX
2017-08-26 07:52'2+ [Csnd] it says html(CsHtml5) and script not available in .csd
2017-08-25 21:36Andrea Strappa Csound-Android project
2017-08-25 21:07Andrea Strappa manual example FLsavesnap_simple.csd
2017-08-25 19:52Michael Gogins Updated Windows installer
2017-08-25 17:23luis jure [ICSC2017] Early Bird registration extension
2017-08-24 16:33Roger Kelly ctcsound.py on Mac
2017-08-23 22:41Julien Verneuil <0000026dc0c33c5b-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>Real-time IFFT or additive synthesis from OSC data
2017-08-23 16:20Michael Gogins ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting TUESDAY evening, September 5