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[Csnd] QtCsound crashes when using Qt Dialog and Scope widget

Date2017-11-10 12:36
Subject[Csnd] QtCsound crashes when using Qt Dialog and Scope widget
AttachmentspyQt.csd  qttest.sqlite  
I'm only now reading about using Python in QtCsound with the Qt GUI and 
really enjoying it.
Attached is a csd that presents a dialog to select a wave form, that is 
then loaded from a SQlite database and used with ftgenonce.
This works fine. But when I put a Scope object on the wizard it crashes. 
Probably because of a conflict with the standard QtCsound widget and the 
Qt dialog code? There is probably a better way by creating the widget 
with Qt. Anyhow, this code could be useful so I share it here with the 
database (can be edited with FireFox SQLite tool)


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