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[Csnd] Vim csound-repl plugin updated

Date2017-11-01 15:28
FromSteven Yi
Subject[Csnd] Vim csound-repl plugin updated
Hi All,

I have updated the csound-repl plugin for Vim:


The editor now has a shortcut for evaluating an enclosing instrument
block from normal mode.  The shortcut is eo.

This may sound a bit cryptic for non-Vim folks, but what this allows
is, while editing some instrument code, I can press escape, then press
the sequence of keys ",eo", and the entire instrument I'm currently
editing will be sent to csound for evaluation.  The code that is
evaluated is also flashed on the screen to visually show what got

(The eo can be read as "evaluate orchestra" code.)

I plan to update the code to search not only for instr/endin, but also
opcode/endop pairs for evaluation.  (Other kinds of code evaluation
can already be done via text selections and the existing visual mode
evaluation, such as "vip,eo" whic would use "vip" to select the
current paragraph then evaluate as orchestra code.)

I am planning to do my next live code video using Vim which should
demonstrate the plugin in action.


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