graphic tool for csound api use
Date | 2017-03-06 17:56 |
From | Forrest Curo |
Subject | graphic tool for csound api use |
Attachments | dosome.png events.png main.png |
I'm finding this stuff very useful for working up a program to run a csound instance via the api while receiving midi input and sending it the (possibly delayed, repeated, otherwise-modified) results, a problem that was up till now too complex for this bear of little brain... [The gist of the csd file is that it's getting note-ons sent to (say, for midi note 67) instr 5.67 and note-offs to instr 4: instr 4 kinst = 5 + p4/100 turnoff2 kinst, 4, .01 endin] |
Date | 2017-03-06 17:59 |
From | Forrest Curo |
Subject | Re: graphic tool for csound api use |
Attachments | main.png dosome.png events.png |
[I forgot to add]: It also generates the code [in c. A gung-ho enthusiast might produce a plug-in for diagramming & producing csound orcs & scores...(Help?)] On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Forrest Curo <> wrote:
Date | 2017-03-06 18:08 |
From | Richard |
Subject | Re: graphic tool for csound api use |
Interesting. Just glanced over it. My first impression is that it
looks like introducing flow charts again. Richard On 06/03/17 18:56, Forrest Curo wrote:
Date | 2017-03-06 19:30 |
From | Forrest Curo |
Subject | Re: graphic tool for csound api use |
Attachments | None None None |
Advantages over traditional flow charts: more human-readable design constraints (as the guy explains in the linked article) and the fact that the editor turns .drn files directly into (c, python, various other alternatives so far) code. [I'd have sent the drn files rather than these pictures , except that the files aren't intelligible without the editior.] Comments normally go in the thick-lined black boxes, pretty easily recognizable as such. Pseudo-code could go there, if needed -- but the design itself is directly apparent from a few simple principles: generally straight down or straight left-to-right, arrows only used for exceptions to that. Nesting of loops clear in a way that written code doesn't quite do for human eyes.On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Richard <> wrote:
Date | 2017-03-06 19:36 |
From | Dave Seidel |
Subject | Re: graphic tool for csound api use |
Attachments | None None None |
I think both approaches are valid. I gravitate more toward structured text (I use outlines all the time), but many people find a graphical view more useful. On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 2:30 PM, Forrest Curo <> wrote: