2016-10-11 21:50 | Marcelo Carneiro de Lima | Csound, CsoundQt and OS Sierra |
2016-10-11 16:33 | Rory Walsh | [OT] RME UFX on linux? |
2016-10-10 18:24 | Michael Breitenbach | problem with fiopen / fout |
2016-10-09 22:34 | Partev Barr Sarkissian | Re: what's the error? |
2016-10-09 22:30 | Partev Barr Sarkissian | Re: what's the error? |
2016-10-09 22:04 | Richard | what's the error? |
2016-10-08 11:38 | Ruben Sverre Gjertsen | Csound won't run my project |
2016-10-07 22:20 | Anton Kholomiov | Synchronizing tempo of Csound with other apps |
2016-10-07 21:13 | sjakops | ctcsound (Python, CsoundVST 6.08, Windows, x64) |
2016-10-06 04:53 | Matti Koskinen | [OT]? online jamming |
2016-10-04 11:30 | Karin Daum | Re: Questions to pvs opcodes |
2016-10-04 11:11 | Karin Daum | Questions to pvs opcodes |
2016-10-03 08:46 | Stefan Thomas | question concerning pipe synth |
2016-10-01 12:39 | "jpff,,," | Administrivia |
2016-10-01 08:03 | Jan Jacob Hofmann | How to get Csoundqt running on Ubuntu 14.04? |
2016-09-30 23:04 | "C. R. Craig" | granular synthesis question |
2016-09-28 16:51 | Anton Kholomiov | Video of the galaxies with bits of Csound music |
2016-09-27 14:20 | Gabriele Battaglia
<0000013f12e4daf0-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> | Searching for CSound compiled for Win 32. |
2016-09-27 10:40 | Anton Kholomiov | Building from sources: no sound with unknown rtmodule alsa |
2016-09-27 02:24 | Forrest Curo | API, notebooks -- and csnd6.py vs ctcsound |
2016-09-26 22:54 | David Bellows | Failure at compiling on [K]Ubuntu 16.04 |
2016-09-26 22:04 | David Bellows | Fractional tempi |
2016-09-26 19:51 | Anders Genell | [OT] Primeval computer music |
2016-09-25 00:32 | Jen | Re: [OT] Linux music distros |
2016-09-24 18:41 | kirby urner | just joining from PDX |
2016-09-24 17:18 | Dave Seidel | [OT] Linux music distros |
2016-09-22 03:13 | Dave Seidel | upcoming Csound performances |
2016-09-22 02:48 | Partev Barr Sarkissian | Re: Don Buchla.. |
2016-09-21 18:07 | Iain McCurdy | Csound Journal |
2016-09-21 10:18 | Rory Walsh | Don Buchla.. |
2016-09-20 22:08 | Steven Yi | ICMC Proceedings |
2016-09-20 18:27 | Dave Seidel | Csound 30 submision question |
2016-09-19 22:09 | Oeyvind Brandtsegg | Liveconvolver3 |
2016-09-19 13:58 | Rory Walsh | strange Python issue on OSX... |
2016-09-17 21:42 | "J. Claassen" | Reporting back |
2016-09-15 19:24 | Oeyvind Brandtsegg | strtodk in conditional |
2016-09-15 12:40 | T Lopez | Self Made Grain/Overlapping streams |
2016-09-15 08:49 | luis antunes pena | sensekey |
2016-09-13 22:19 | Bernt Isak Wærstad | New peformance: Csound on stage (COSMO) at NIME 2016 |
2016-09-13 14:35 | Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis | Call for electroacoustic compositions |
2016-09-12 20:59 | Victor Lazzarini | ctcsound |
2016-09-12 18:19 | Michael Gogins | New beta release of Csound for WIndows x64 with VST |
2016-09-11 04:34 | Partev Barr Sarkissian | Re: Do you use any hardware synth? What synth do Csounders prefer? |
2016-09-10 22:07 | joachim heintz | wow! |
2016-09-09 16:01 | Anton Kholomiov | Do you use any hardware synth? What synth do Csounders prefer? |
2016-09-07 17:55 | Anton Kholomiov | Csounders at Leipzig interested in Haskell or functional and logic programming |
2016-09-06 01:08 | Partev Barr Sarkissian | SPAM ALert on this one --- Re: [Csnd] interesting |
2016-09-05 23:56 | Ben McAllister | Trouble with python opcodes + csound api |
2016-09-05 22:04 | Ben McAllister | Trouble with 6.07 install on mac 10.11 - importing csnd6 |
2016-09-05 16:19 | Eduardo Moguillansky | Jack autoconnect |