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Csound 6.08

Date2016-11-26 00:10
SubjectCsound 6.08
On Friday 25 Nov to coincide with Csound30 we released version 6.08, 
available on github

As usual there are a number of opcode fixes and improvements, but the
major changes are in the language structures. First the score language
has all-new treatment of macros and preprocessing, bringing it in line
with those of the orchestra. The parsing of the orchestra has had a
number of fixes as outlined below.

A major, and not totally compatible change as been made in reading and
writing array elements. The rate of the index now often determines
the time of processing; check the entry below under Orchestra. This
simplifies much code and seems to capture expectations; the earlier ad
hoc code had many anomalies.

Also as usual there are a number of new opcodes and internal fixes
to memory leaks and more robust code.

-- The Developers


   New opcodes


     dct -- Discrete Cosine Transform of a sample array (type-II DCT)


     getftargs -- copy arguments of a gen to an S-variable


     mfb -- implements a mel-frequency filter-bank for an array of input

   New Gen and Macros

  *  quadbezier -- generating Bezier curves in a table



     The character ¬ is now correctly treated as a variant of ~ for bitwise


     Lexing bug which could corrupt strings fixed


     Ensure no newlines in string-lexing


     Small improvement in reported line numbers


     Better checking of macro syntax


     Improved parsing of setting of labels


     Added error handling for unmatched brackets for UDO arg specification


     Check that #included file is not a directory


     Deeply nested macro calls better policed


     For years Csound has fixed the pitch of A4 at 440Hz. Now this can be set
     in the header using the new r-variable A4, and also read with that


     Floating point values can use e or E for exponent


     Array access semantics have been clarified:

      +  i[i] => reading at i-time and perf-time, writing at i-time only.
      +  i[k] => reading at perf-time, writing yields a runtime error
      +  k[i], k[k] => reading at perf-time, writing at perf-time
      +  a[i], a[k] => reading at perf-time, writing at perf-time
      +  other (S[], f[]) => reading and writing according to index type

In particular, i(k[i]) will continue not to work, as before, but the new
i(k[],i) is provided to cover this case.

  *  xout validation no longer fails when constants are given



     New code to handle macros and other preprocessor commands. Brings it
     into line with orchestra code


     New score opcode C introduced as a way of switching automatic carry off
     (C 0)
     or on (default) (C 1)



     The tempo setting can now be a floating point value (previously fixed to


     New option --version prints version information and exits

   Modified Opcodes and Gens


     Problems in centroid fixed.


     Better treatment of rounding in printks


     OSC extended to include multicast


     Faust opcodes brought up to date with faust


     oscil1 and oscili can take a negative duration


     fout opcode documentation clarified


     Release time in mxadsr fixed


     centroid opcode extended to take array inputs in addition


     ptable opcodes are now identical to table family


     ftgen now as array input option


     subinstr can now have string arguments


     the i() format is extended to work on k-rate arrays with the first
     argument being an array, followed by the indices


     monitor opcode can now write to an array


  *  pvlook now always prints explicit analysis window name











         csound.node: Implemented for Linux, minor API fix.


         pnacl: Added compileCsdText method to csound object





   General Usage


     Checking of valid macro names improved


     #undef fixed



     Fixes to prints in format use


     jitter2 reworked to make it more like the manual.


     oscbank has had multiple fixes and now works as advertised


     bformdec1 with arrays and type 4 fixed


     Bug in pvsceps fixed


     In various formatted print opcodes extra trash characters might appear
     -- fixed


     Assigning variables with --sample-accurate could give unexpected
     results; this is believed fixed now


     padsynth square profile fix, and opcode prints less depending on warn


     gen31 fixed


     gen41 fixed


     Bug in sensekey fixed


     A number of issues in centroid fixed


     An internal miscalculation of variable sizes that only affected 32bit
     architectures fixed


   System Changes


     New score lexing and preprocessor


     MAC line endings now work again


     System information messages (system sampling rate, etc) are now directed
     to stdout


     rtjack reworked to deal with names and numbers


     The version printing now includes the commit as so the developers
     know which patches have been applied



     API version now 4.0


     Now supports named gens


     fterror now in API


     API functions SetOutput and GetOutputFormat fixed


     Many API functions now use const where appropriate


     Messages can now be directed to stdout from the API by using
     CSOUNDMSG_STDOUT attribute


     New Lisp CFFI and FFI interfaces tested with Steel Bank Common Lisp (64
     bit CPU architecture), runs in separate thread


     ctcsound.py, a new FFI interface for Python was introduced in version
     6.07. It is now the recommended interface for Python,
     csnd6.py being deprecated.

   Platform Specific





      +  Multichannel input and output allowed


      +  csound64.lib import library added to Windows installer


      +  Minor issues with installer fixed


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Date2016-11-26 01:46
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: Csound 6.08
a huge thank you to the developers and all the contributors for this great
release full of improvements and new features. it's like christmas a month
in advance! congratulations!

Csound mailing list
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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2016-11-26 06:39
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: Csound 6.08
Congratulations and big thanks!

The list of new features and improvments is astoninishing!


2016-11-26 1:46 GMT+00:00 luis jure <ljc@internet.com.uy>:
a huge thank you to the developers and all the contributors for this great
release full of improvements and new features. it's like christmas a month
in advance! congratulations!

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2016-11-26 07:36
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
SubjectRe: Csound 6.08
Super!  Great timing too!  Thanks.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2016, at 6:39 AM, Tarmo Johannes <tarmo.johannes@OTSAKOOL.EDU.EE> wrote:

Congratulations and big thanks!

The list of new features and improvments is astoninishing!


2016-11-26 1:46 GMT+00:00 luis jure <ljc@internet.com.uy&g t;:
a huge thank you to the developers and all the contributors for this great
release full of improvements and new features. it's like christmas a month
in advance! congratulations!

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here