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2011-02-23 02:24Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] poor performance from qutecsound-0.6.1
2011-02-22 22:14Diego Ramírez[Csnd] El Facebook del sexo
2011-02-22 19:33Louis Cohen [Csnd] OT: wiimote/csound performance - try again!
2011-02-22 16:36John Clements [Csnd] a question that arose in Dr. Boulanger's Class today
2011-02-22 13:55peiman khosravi [Csnd] pvshift bug
2011-02-21 21:33Stefan Thomas [Csnd] how to change the tonic key and frequency via midi
2011-02-21 18:59Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound Journal - Call for Articles
2011-02-21 00:49Rory Walsh [Csnd] digidesign 002/003
2011-02-20 23:02"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] OT: live performance using csound and wiimote
2011-02-20 18:31Justin Glenn Smith [Csnd] csound track for listening and critique
2011-02-20 10:28john ffitch [Csnd]
2011-02-19 23:28"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] OT: live performance using csound and wiimote
2011-02-19 16:04Louis Cohen [Csnd] OT: live performance using csound and wiimote
2011-02-18 22:12"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-18 21:54"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-18 11:01francesco [Csnd] number of csound opcodes
2011-02-18 10:48francesco [Csnd] chnset-get trivial question
2011-02-18 00:56Matt Barber Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-17 16:48Rory Walsh [Csnd] how to turn off an instance of an instrument from another instance of that instrument!!
2011-02-17 03:38Matt Barber Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-16 18:59matt ingalls Fwd: [Csnd] Csound Mac Standalone
2011-02-16 16:31peiman khosravi [Csnd] parser error??
2011-02-16 13:10loucohen@jolc.netRe: [Csnd] Csound Mac Standalone
2011-02-16 11:06Andres Cabrera [Csnd] MIDI assign on QuteCsound
2011-02-16 00:18peiman khosravi [Csnd] csound table utility
2011-02-15 20:22Stefan Thomas [Csnd] first trial with follow and midi
2011-02-15 20:19menno [Csnd] cpstun and micro-tuning
2011-02-15 20:09matt ingalls [Csnd] Csound Mac Standalone
2011-02-15 03:49"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-15 03:44"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-14 20:15Ralph Bluecoat [Csnd] envelopes from real instruments
2011-02-14 09:01Rory Walsh [Csnd] [OT] Contrapunctus I:Julian Peterson
2011-02-14 01:30Matt Barber Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-13 17:56xrfrx@free.fr[Csnd]
2011-02-13 12:27steve@smaclean.com[Csnd] Re: csound Digest Sun, 13 Feb 2011
2011-02-12 23:20Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
2011-02-12 19:51Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: CsoundVST version 5.13 now available for download
2011-02-12 18:24Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: Csound 5.13 for Windows now available for download
2011-02-12 12:58Julien Claassen [Csnd] oscillators and waveforms/characteristics
2011-02-12 00:44"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] if/elseif or assignment problem
2011-02-11 21:35"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] if/elseif or assignment problem
2011-02-11 21:10Julien Claassen [Csnd] if/elseif or assignment problem
2011-02-11 13:33menno [Csnd] foutir - how to read back
2011-02-11 08:27Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie[Csnd] LAC2011: Paper deadline coming closer
2011-02-11 05:44"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] is there a Csound implementation on Spectral Modeling
2011-02-10 19:35Julien Claassen [Csnd] ctrl ??? has no exclus list
2011-02-10 17:48"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Pits And Gits - new piece from AVSynthesis/Csound
2011-02-10 17:09john ffitch [Csnd] CsMidifile
2011-02-10 15:18Dave Phillips [Csnd] Pits And Gits - new piece from AVSynthesis/Csound
2011-02-10 14:50Julien Claassen [Csnd] dssi4cs woes