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2010-12-23 11:38francesco [Csnd] parser messages means
2010-12-22 04:41Jim Aikin [Csnd] Stairstepping
2010-12-22 01:53Toby [Csnd] Installing from source on linux?
2010-12-21 13:08peiman khosravi [Csnd] phase and multichannel audio
2010-12-21 10:44Andres Cabrera [Csnd] [OT] Pulseaudio and Jack
2010-12-20 23:54Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] [OT] libpd
2010-12-20 20:15francesco [Csnd] libgabnew.so
2010-12-20 05:55Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] "virtual kalimba" problem...help, anyone?
2010-12-19 16:38Dennis Raddle [Csnd] [OT] grad programs in computer music
2010-12-19 14:35Dave Seidel [Csnd] New piece: Deep Structure
2010-12-18 23:46John Colgrove [Csnd] embarrassing problem with cecilia
2010-12-18 13:45john ffitch [Csnd] tabmorpha
2010-12-17 22:43MattEsch [Csnd] fluidControl - sustain pedal?
2010-12-17 22:26COCHEDELAFERTE [Csnd] Macro definition
2010-12-17 21:38Rene Jopi [Csnd] Csnd Archives
2010-12-17 20:40David [Csnd] "The Audio Programming Book"
2010-12-17 09:59Rene Jopi [Csnd] Portaudio
2010-12-17 02:12thorin kerr [Csnd] Diving part 2 - was Re: Re: Re: [OT] research into human touch
2010-12-16 22:07Stefan Thomas [Csnd] how to record a midi file
2010-12-16 21:53Drweski nicolas [Csnd] Piece minute de silence
2010-12-16 02:13Toby [Csnd] Looping over oscil?
2010-12-15 20:39peiman khosravi [Csnd] is this a bug? gen 20, hamming window issue
2010-12-15 12:39DavidW [Csnd] OT Fwd: OS call
2010-12-15 01:14Johann Bach [Csnd] [OT] research into human touch
2010-12-14 22:44COCHEDELAFERTE [Csnd] Image opcodes
2010-12-14 18:29peiman khosravi [Csnd] GEN21 gaussian function generator
2010-12-14 04:40"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: samples, register
2010-12-13 14:23Dave Phillips [Csnd] Licheness - new AVSynthesis video/audio
2010-12-13 11:40Stefan Thomas [Csnd] csound, linux and rt-kernel
2010-12-13 10:32john ffitch [Csnd] [OT] USB Soundcards for Linux
2010-12-13 08:23Stefan Thomas [Csnd] samples, register
2010-12-12 21:05"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: [OT] Why do we hate modern classical music?
2010-12-12 19:38Toby [Csnd] Apparent problem with the manual
2010-12-12 13:15joachim heintz [Csnd] New site for Csound at FLOSS manuals - contributions welcome!
2010-12-12 11:24Stefan Thomas [Csnd] ATSaddnz doesn't produce sound
2010-12-12 05:56"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: [OT] Why do we hate modern classical music?
2010-12-11 21:55Drweski nicolas [Csnd]
2010-12-11 04:20mark jamerson [Csnd] Wimote,csound,video etc.
2010-12-09 00:53John Link [Csnd] MacCsound 1.5 crash with 5.12.4 OSX10.5-Intel installer
2010-12-08 21:47Drweski nicolas [Csnd]
2010-12-08 19:01Brian Redfern [Csnd] porting csnd.jar and libcsnd to android
2010-12-07 13:29Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday, December 9
2010-12-07 01:01JLFerreira [Csnd] stop an event without stopping Csound
2010-12-06 15:40"Stefano Bonetti" [Csnd] [announce] WinXound for Windows updated (3.3.4)
2010-12-05 21:57"Marc D. Demers" [Csnd]
2010-12-05 20:42Stefan Thomas [Csnd] loop with ATSpartialtap
2010-12-05 17:59Ross [Csnd] Rendering problem
2010-12-05 13:41john ffitch [Csnd] [OT] Ardour on Linux
2010-12-05 02:14Drweski nicolas [Csnd] Music - babil
2010-12-04 08:42Justin Glenn Smith [Csnd] csound on the n900