| Hi all,
Here's a remix I made using blue and Csound. The source is something
called "apocalypse garage #2"
(http://soundcloud.com/mysterybear/apocalypse-garage-2), which I made
live with hardware (no laptop, so no Csound; just Auduino drone synth +
distortion pedal + MoogerFooger ring mod + looper pedal).
For the remix, I read in the original with diskin2, and fed it to PVS,
one fsig per stereo channel. Then I used the output of pvscent to drive
a couple of oscillators ("level 1"). Then I repeated the process,
feeding the level 1 signals though pvscent driving two additional
oscillators ("level 2").
I found it really interesting that the two levels of processed signals,
when recombined, created a binaural acoustical beating pattern which was
not present if I listened with either level 1 or level 2 alone. Can't
explain it (though my hypothesis is that level 2 might be one or more
samples behind level 1, with the resulting temporal spread creating the
beating effect). I didn't expect the result, but I like it.
Anyway, here it is. I'll warn you that it's MUCH noisier and harsher
than the stuff I usually post here. It's still droney, but more like the
drones one would hear from a huge circular saw (think the opening
sequence of Twin Peaks). This comes from the part of me that likes
really load electric guitars.
- Dave
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