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1998-06-17 03:02Lex Vanderwal Re: Newbie question: window
1998-06-17 02:37Hans Mikelson Re: hardware conflicts possible?
1998-06-17 01:23rasmus ekman Re: diffusion
1998-06-16 20:35"Vercoe, Scotty" hardware conflicts?...impossible!!
1998-06-16 18:30p robinson WAV troubles
1998-06-16 17:55Paul Winkler Re: how to pipe -L events in linux/unix
1998-06-16 17:10Jon Christopher Nelson Re: diffusion
1998-06-16 13:09Richard Dobson Re: hardware conflicts possible?
1998-06-16 11:22Richard Dobson Re: diffusion
1998-06-16 04:58Toby Re: how to pipe -L events in linux/unix
1998-06-16 04:15Dave Perry VisOrc 1.75
1998-06-16 00:16pete moss diffusion
1998-06-15 23:07Karl Petermichl hardware conflicts possible?
1998-06-15 22:05Jamie Bullock Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-15 18:43Paul Winkler how to pipe -L events in linux/unix
1998-06-15 16:18Mike Berry Re: Newbie question: window
1998-06-15 12:26james@maths.ex.ac.ukRe: Impulse Response Files
1998-06-15 11:25Kay Q Lee Newbie question: window
1998-06-15 11:19Kay Q Lee Newbie question: window
1998-06-15 09:55Richard Dobson Re: igoto
1998-06-15 04:36Qian Chen a useful website
1998-06-15 03:39Kay Q Lee Re: Re: Why Csound?
1998-06-15 01:04Richard Dobson Re: igoto
1998-06-14 23:18Kevin Gallagher igoto
1998-06-14 10:06SteinersT1@aol.comhYdra 1.1
1998-06-13 19:22Drew Skyfyre Voice synth for PowerMacs (VocalWriter 1.0)
1998-06-13 18:10=cw4t7abs
1998-06-13 02:00=cw4t7abs Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-13 01:06Richard Dobson Re: any Csounders in Venice?
1998-06-12 20:37David Schuyeteneer Re: Release date for Csound book?
1998-06-12 17:19J P Fitch Re: Csound-3.482 binaries for Linux
1998-06-12 17:19J P Fitch Re: Csound-3.482 binaries for Linux
1998-06-12 16:07Dave Phillips Csound-3.482 binaries for Linux
1998-06-12 14:10Joseph L ANDERSON (Fwd) Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-12 10:47Richard Dobson Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-12 07:09Graeme Gerrard Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-12 07:09Graeme Gerrard Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-12 06:58Qian Chen Re: Why Csound?
1998-06-12 06:30SteinersT1@aol.comany Csounders in Venice?
1998-06-12 01:17Richard Dobson Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-12 00:37Richard Dobson Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-11 14:17Allan Schindler Schindler Csound Tutorial & score11
1998-06-11 11:51Graeme Gerrard Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-11 02:52Hans Mikelson Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-11 00:49Richard Dobson Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-11 00:42Dave Perry VisOrc Manuals
1998-06-10 22:43"Vercoe, Scotty" summer plans
1998-06-10 19:36Jamie Bullock Re: Multichannel outs
1998-06-10 16:35Tony Myatt Organised Sound Call for Submissions
1998-06-10 06:21bruce quaglia Release date for Csound book?