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DSP Mathematics for Music (was Re: DSP Filter book)

Date1998-06-27 07:27
FromSean Costello
SubjectDSP Mathematics for Music (was Re: DSP Filter book)
Robin Whittle wrote:

> If you sense the evident gaps in my knowledge, and can recommend some
> reading for me, I would *really* appreciate it!

Well, I'm trying to fill the same gaps in my knowledge right now, so I
can give you some advice on what has worked for me.

Probably the best info I have found is in a 2-part article by F. Richard
Moore, titled "An Introduction to the Mathematics of Digital Signal
Processing."  Moore begins by reviewing algebra and trig, and goes on to
explain sampling theory, the DFT, the Z-transform, and an introduction
to digital filtering.  You can find these articles in the Computer Music
Journal, Volume II, Numbers 1 and 2. It was also reprinted in a book by,
um, John Strawn I think (I think the title was Digital Audio Signal
Processing: An Anthology).  The cool feature of this article (and
Moore's comprehensive work, Elements of Computer Music, which I recently
purchased) is that Moore assumes no knowledge of calculus.  Moore claims
that calculus is not really necessary for an elementary understanding of
digital signal processing, as DSP deals with a finite number of values
(rather than the infinite number of values that calculus deals with).

A great book is "A Digital Signal Processing Primer," by Ken Steiglitz. 
This book is a little bit higher level than Moore's paper, but not by
much.  Recommended reading order: Moore's paper, then Steiglitz's book,
then Moore's book.  Steiglitz discusses calculus early on, but most of
the book seems to use the same types of mathematics that Moore's paper

I'd give more recommendations, but I am still dealing with the above two
books. Definitely track down the Moore paper.  And the Moore book would
probably be excellent for those who are oriented towards programming

Sean Costello

P.S. A question for Robin: Do you ever plan on doing any Devilfish-type
mods on the MC-202?  Your description of the Devilfish is extremely
droolworthy.  I have put up a few posts on AH and synth-DIY about
modifying the MC-202 for full MIDI control, but no one seems interested
(or maybe my idea is just bad).  Have you done any 202 mods?