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Re: Harmonics, physics, chords etc.

Date1998-06-29 22:00
FromJason H Clouse
SubjectRe: Harmonics, physics, chords etc.
On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 00:55:13 PDT "Paul Winkler" 

>Pierce also mentions a phenomenon you've neglected, which I think 
>be significant as well: The potential presence of overtones which are 
>both strong and within a critical bandwidth so that there is audible 
>beating between them. What is the critical bandwidth? It's a ratio 
>between sine tones above which there is no perceptual rough beating. 
>It's been shown to vary with frequency: it's between 2 and 3 semitones 
>from about 1,000 hz on up, but it can be much greater than 3 semitones 
>at lower frequencies. In other words, above approx. 1,000 hz, two pure 
>sine tones will have no discernible beating as long as they're at 
>3 semitones apart.

Ahhh!  So is *this* why they told us in part-writing to try our best not
to stick very low notes too close together?


 "Good times...GET RAW!!!"

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Date1998-06-29 23:13
FromBen Jefferys
SubjectIntroducing... me!

It is normal form to hang around on lists for a bit before posting but I'm
just so excited, and the introductory mail told me to do it, so here goes...

Basically I've been thinking about Csound related issues for ages without
actually knowing about Csound. I had come to all the same conclusions
about control etc. (it would seem, with my browse over the docs) so it
was nice to find this and see that I wasn't going mad all these years.

I am approaching the 4th year of my computing degree at Imperial College,
London, and have to start thinking about a final year project. I really
wanted to do something to do with parallel processing and audio, and
was planning to do a complete synth (along the lines of Csound) from
scratch. Now I have found Csound and found that there is quite a large
user base etc. already, so I have decided to try and parallelize Csound
instead. My aim is to get impressive scores running with reasonably
complex orchestras running in realtime on college's 80-processor AP3000.
Hopefully with a bit of realtime input too, just for effect ;)

I would be interested in what similar projects have already been completed
or are in progress. I haven't found anything after a reasonably in-depth look
at the online resources. What do you think are my chances? Is it a worthwhile
project considering the speed of modern processors? What are users'
experiences with respect to the speed of recent versions, in real-life
projects? I'm not looking for in-depth advice, I am already familiar with
the technicalities of parallelization, just general opinions (along the
lines of, "yeah Ben, it's a great idea!" ;) )

And finally (and this has probably already been discussed, but while I'm
at it...) are there any servers around with complete scores and orchestras
with *whole* pieces, preferably written for Csound rather than converted
from elsewhere? This is out of interest, as well as having some nice
impressive files to demo my project!

And so I don't give off a completely techie vibe, I also intend to do some
creative stuff on the user-end of Csound. Watch this space!


 ... ben jefferys ...