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1998-08-26 13:57Michael Gogins Announcing Silence, an extensible system for algorithmic composition
1998-08-26 09:34Mark Polishook Re: PMAX
1998-08-25 22:34Gabriel Maldonado Re: PMAX
1998-08-25 20:36jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukVersion 3.485 for Windows
1998-08-25 20:36jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: winsound perf
1998-08-25 15:51J P Fitch Re: winsound perf
1998-08-25 15:39jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: midifile evaluation problem
1998-08-25 14:03Job van Zuijlen Re: PMAX
1998-08-25 10:54David Schuyeteneer Belgian MP3 Server + WEB music broadcast
1998-08-25 07:58Mark Polishook Re: PMAX
1998-08-25 07:32roger k Re: winsound perf
1998-08-25 06:34Sean Costello Re: winsound perf
1998-08-25 05:11Michael Coble Re: IRCAM format
1998-08-25 03:58Tobiah Command line alteration of AIFF instrument parameters.
1998-08-25 02:09jose halac winsound perf
1998-08-24 19:53Mark Polishook PMAX
1998-08-24 17:26david first Freq/Tempo Strangeness Solved
1998-08-24 16:35jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: more strange thigs
1998-08-24 15:47jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukThe Leeds 'Front Page'
1998-08-24 14:52Matti Koskinen more strange thigs
1998-08-24 14:09david first Freq/Tempo Strangeness
1998-08-24 09:45Matti Koskinen butterbp broken?
1998-08-24 07:56roger k Re: [??] Japanese Noise site
1998-08-24 00:59Nicola Bernardini midifile evaluation problem
1998-08-22 23:55David Schuyeteneer [??] Japanese Noise site
1998-08-22 19:07Jamie Bullock Granule documentation question
1998-08-22 00:31Stuart Felenstein Anyone know the status of Cecilia for Win95?
1998-08-22 00:09Mike Berry Re: gain, balance
1998-08-21 23:36Richard Dobson Re: gain, balance
1998-08-21 16:40tolve gain, balance
1998-08-21 15:26jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: tone in winsound 3.484
1998-08-20 11:58"Michael C. Frengel" Mac Bugs...
1998-08-19 08:39Nicola Bernardini [ANNOUNCE] linux csound 3.484.0d
1998-08-19 06:59Michael Gogins Re: Announcing AXCsound, the Csound ActiveX control
1998-08-18 23:40Josep M Comajuncosas Re: tone in winsound 3.484
1998-08-18 17:02jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: [ Csound] BOUNCE Csound: Non-member submission from [Peter Neubacker ] (fwd)
1998-08-18 14:41jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukIRCAM format
1998-08-18 14:41jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: [ANNOUNCE] csound 3.484.0c available for linux
1998-08-18 13:46Michael Gogins Re: Announcing AXCsound, the Csound ActiveX control
1998-08-18 12:40luis jure tone in winsound 3.484
1998-08-18 09:40james@maths.ex.ac.uk[ Csound] BOUNCE Csound: Non-member submission from [Peter Neubacker ] (fwd)
1998-08-18 06:12Michael Gogins Announcing AXCsound, the Csound ActiveX control
1998-08-17 21:12jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: that convolve bug
1998-08-17 21:10jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: aifc in csound.src.zip
1998-08-17 21:10jpff@maths.bath.ac.ukRe: missing aifc stuff
1998-08-17 15:31Nicola Bernardini [ANNOUNCE] csound 3.484.0c available for linux
1998-08-14 11:57Francisco Vila Doncel Re: Modifying AIFF soundfile information...
1998-08-13 19:31Jim Croson aifc in csound.src.zip
1998-08-13 17:41Nicola Bernardini missing aifc stuff
1998-08-13 14:54Richard Dobson Re: Modifying AIFF soundfile information...