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Re: csound on PC

Date1998-09-12 16:42
SubjectRe: csound on PC
Message written at 11 Sep 1998 23:45:16 +0100
--- Copy of mail to whiteoak@dial.pipex.com ---
In-reply-to: <35F96132.FFD8AE02@dial.pipex.com> (message from Gareth Whittock
	on Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:43:14 +0100)
References: <19980911144945.21937.qmail@hotmail.com> <35F96132.FFD8AE02@dial.pipex.com>

Each to his own!  I tried to use Cecelia thsi summer and gave up as I
could not work out how to do anything with it!   My preferred
environment is emacs and the SGI Unix command line, but I can manage
with emacs and Winsound.  The original message asked for a shell, but
subsequent messages seem to be more about environemnts, which to me
are a different question.
  I am willing to admit that winsound if problematic -- I am not a
particularly visual person and I am still amazed that it works at all.