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Re: the use of Feedback ?

Date1998-09-11 17:18
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: the use of Feedback ?
I´ll send the orc&sco in ASCII then...

Jim Stevenson wrote:

> Please post in ascii, not attached mime.
> Some of us read e-mail on line, and do not want to download and mime
> unpack messages.
> It should be just as easy to simply paste in the relevant file.
> Thanks.

  Here it is...
sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1

instr 1; very simple feedback simulator
; does feedback work this way???
; coded by Josep M Comajuncosas / sept.´98

kfreq init 1152
kfdbk linseg .9, p3/5, 1.4, p3/5, .9, p3/5, 1.2, 2*p3/5, 1
asig pluck 1, 123, 123, 0, 1

atemp delayr 1/20

acomb deltapi 1/kfreq

aiir dcblock asig + kfdbk*acomb
aiir = aiir - aiir*aiir*aiir/6

delayw aiir

out acomb*20000


instr 2; repluck feedback simulator?
; coded by Josep M Comajuncosas / sept.´98
; This instrument is an accident ;-)
; but it gives wonderful noises !

kenv linseg 0 ,.05, 0 ,p3/3, 1, p3/3, 1, p3/3, 0
kfreq linseg 1152, p3/2, 673, p3/2, 451
acomb init 0
kfdbk linseg .5, p3/5, 1.1, p3/5, .9, p3/5, 1.2, 2*p3/5, 1
asig repluck .4, 1, 123, .7, .1, acomb

atemp delayr 1/20
acomb deltapi 1/kfreq; acomb routed back to repluck
aiir = asig + kfdbk*acomb

; cheap clipper
kiir downsamp aiir
kiir = (kiir > 1 ? 1:kiir)
kiir = (kiir < -1 ? -1:kiir)
aiir upsamp kiir

delayw aiir

; cheap clipper (bis)
ksig downsamp asig
ksig = (ksig > 1 ? 1:ksig)
ksig = (ksig < -1 ? -1:ksig)
asig upsamp ksig

out asig*20000*kenv


;f1 0 8192 21 1
f1 0 8192 10 1
i2 0 20
i1 1 30