| Yes, I agree with the notion of knowing what you're doing. But even
the best laid schemes...
Two things come to mind.
Granula synthesis via score generation caused me many headaches. You
don't have to be a novice for that to happen. Lots of tweaking cured it.
Dare I mention other DSP software... that provide options... even
defaults... even ask you before compilation.
errmmm.... that all being said, I have actually used the 32 bit
rescaling feature now and it seems to address that very problem. So
... thankyou all for your patience... I think I'll have a good cup of
---Erik Spjut wrote:
> It all depends on your perspective. Csound, like the language C,
> that you know what you're doing, which provides the expert with
> power, the novice with infinite headaches, and no easy path from one
> to the other.
> If you want your hand held and to be protected from all mistakes, go
buy a
> commercial synth or a commercial program. If you want maximum
> with the resultant responsibility and pain, use Csound. People on
the list
> are usually willing to help if you get stuck.
> At 7:55 AM -0700 9/11/98, Thorin Kerr wrote:
> >Actually.... is it my imagination. Or is this a really crap problem
> >with csound?
> [Amplitude Q & A deleted]
> Erik Spjut (pronounce ju as long u or yew) - Associate Professor of
> and Associate Director for Engineering Computing, Center for
Design Education
> Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711-5990 USA
> Erik_Spjut@hmc.edu Ph & Voice mail (909) 607-3890 Fax
(909) 621-8967
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