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Re: compiler

Date1998-06-30 02:17
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: compiler
>> 4- Is it possible to pipe stuff from one app to another in Win95/98.
(using the
>> -L flag of course)...
>> Yes? No?  Maybe?
>Yes (but not using -L): Microsoft has developed it's own 'cool' (or 'hot')
>interprocess faciltities, such as shared memory, and COM (the basis for
>ActiveX, etc), of course, which is horribly complicated, but does mostly
seem to
>work very well. I am just starting to get into it myself, to write plugins.
>Csound were able to be implemented as a COM server ( sooo easy, I can't
>why no-one has done it yet...hoho)

The main obstacle is that Csound is designed as a process that starts, runs
an orc and sco, and exits. It cannot restart, its code is not re-entrant. If
this were fixed I would make Csound into a COM server myself. Anyone who
wants to work with me on this, please do!