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1998-05-30 15:20Darren Landrum Introduction of a newbie
1998-05-30 13:42Hans Mikelson 21 Band Vocoder Orc/Sco
1998-05-30 13:34David Schuyeteneer I'm looking for Csound work...
1998-05-30 01:49Sean Costello Newbie questions (concerning Csound Book, Extended Csound, archives)
1998-05-30 01:33=cw4t7abs Re: Why Csound?
1998-05-30 00:11Hans Mikelson Re: Why Csound?
1998-05-29 22:11Jean-Michel DARREMONT Re:Why CSound
1998-05-29 20:57"Vercoe, Scotty" RE: Extended Csound update?
1998-05-29 19:53Daniel Fattorini moog opcode question(again)
1998-05-29 19:53Daniel Fattorini input sound files
1998-05-29 16:32James Garfield Re: Why Csound?
1998-05-29 15:40Paul Winkler Possible errors in Csound 3.48b HTML manual
1998-05-29 15:37Charles Starrett Re: Why Csound? (long-winded)
1998-05-29 15:36Charles Starrett Re: Why Csound? (Me, too)
1998-05-29 15:29Mike Berry Re: Why Csound?
1998-05-29 14:49Daniel Fattorini Re: Why Csound?
1998-05-29 11:31Daniel Fattorini Moog opcode question
1998-05-29 11:24Nicola Bernardini some 3.481 bug fix patches offered
1998-05-29 11:04Kay Q Lee Why Csound?
1998-05-29 06:47Peter Reson probs
1998-05-29 02:13Qian Chen RE: pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-29 02:03Erez Webman [XTCSOUND] Performance
1998-05-28 23:41Fat_Boy =cw4
1998-05-28 23:16David Boothe RE: Unknown # option, line 0
1998-05-28 22:27David Schuyeteneer STC performing Live !!!!!!
1998-05-28 22:09David Schuyeteneer [Fwd: who is =cw4t7abs]
1998-05-28 20:16tolve crossfades feature request
1998-05-28 18:55Hans Mikelson Re: pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 18:26=cw4t7abs Re: Dura Rate
1998-05-28 18:13Terwur@aol.comRe: who is =cw4t7abs
1998-05-28 17:58Daniel Fattorini who is =cw4t7abs
1998-05-28 17:20"Ruston, Paul" Unknown # option, line 0
1998-05-28 16:44Mike Berry Re: pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 15:56p robinson RE: pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 15:16David Boothe RE: pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 14:30Paul Winkler Re: Unknown # option, line 0
1998-05-28 14:29Paul Winkler Re: Unknown # option, line 0
1998-05-28 11:48Roger Klaveness Re: Qs:pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 10:11Olivier Pasquet Delays and archives
1998-05-28 08:22Qian Chen Qs:pvoc,soundin/diskin
1998-05-28 08:16Gabriel Maldonado Re: rephrasing...
1998-05-28 00:13=cw4t7abs v345v5
1998-05-27 22:47Ruggero Andrea Ruschioni rephrasing...
1998-05-27 18:19Erez Webman [XTCSOUND] tables
1998-05-27 10:16Peter Neubacker writing opcodes
1998-05-27 09:58Peter Neubacker Re: [XTCSOUND] tables
1998-05-27 06:19SteinersT1 stay alive hYdra
1998-05-27 03:14Ruggero Andrea Ruschioni Help please: Versions, functionality, helpers...(long)
1998-05-27 03:10Hans Mikelson Re: Re:Re: More tutorials
1998-05-27 01:11Michael Gogins Re: amplitude envelopes /practicality