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Re: Multichannel outs

Date1998-06-08 10:02
FromJamie Bullock
SubjectRe: Multichannel outs

-----Original Message-----
From: Graeme Gerrard 
To: csound mailing list 
Date: 08 June 1998 03:29
Subject: Multichannel outs

>I am interested in generating multichannel output files with Csound (i.e.
>> quad).
>Is there a way of doing this with Csound?

It depends what platform you are using.
As far as I know, there isn't a PC application that can read Quad files, and
so the ONLY way to use Csound to do true quad is to do two performance
passes, one for the front channels, and one for the rear, and then import
the files into something which supports multichannel routing  (Cooledit pro,
Cubase VST etc.) and send the appropriate soundfile channels to the
appropriate soundcard channels.
However, if you are using a Mac, you can use Tom Erbe's Soundhack program to
read a Quad file directly. Last time I looked, you could just take in a quad
file and convert it to four mono files, but Soundhack might actually be able
to play the sound on different channels now.

>I am thinking of 2 approaches; either have Csound create and write to
>multiple 1 channel files e.g. filename01.aif, filename02.aif ...etc.
>or a single multichannel file eg. with 16 or even 32 channels.
>I know I can achieve the same thing with multiple pass compilations and a
>lot of fiddling around, but I would prefer to just generate my samples and
>distribute them over the channels in a single compilation.
>What about:
>amultiout chan, samp


a1,a2,a3,a4 pan kx asig,kx,ky,ifn
outq  a1,a2,a3,a4 (for a Quad file)


outs a1,a2 (first pass)
outs a3,a4 (second pass)



P.S.I'm not a programmer, but surely there must be someone out there who
could write a simple quadfile player for Win95 or Mac?