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Csound-3.482 binaries for Linux

Date1998-06-12 16:07
FromDave Phillips
SubjectCsound-3.482 binaries for Linux

  I am pleased to announce the availability of Csound-3.482 binaries (in
both X and non-X versions) at the following URLs:


At this time the binaries are dynamically linked, and the necessary
libraries are included in the distribution. The dynamic linking results
in a great reduction of Csound's memory footprint: my current Csound
binary is only 19K !!!

  Special thanks to Nicola Bernardini for his extensive work on this

  Thanks also to Robin Whittle and Damien Miller for their glibc patch.
I will be uploading their statically-linked binary to the BGSU site
soon. The patch is now included in the source distribution on the MusTec
server at BGSU.

== Dave Phillips
