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Re: Multichannel outs

Date1998-06-11 02:52
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: Multichannel outs

There is some mention of multi-channel sound in the new DirectX:


(look under back issues for direct x sound then search for surround or quad)

Hans Mikelson

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From: Allan Schindler 
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Subject: Schindler Csound Tutorial & score11
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:17:52 -0400 (EDT)
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In response to many recent request, both on this list and in private
email correspondence, I have begun a revision of the Eastman Csound Tutorial
Among the goals of this revision  is to make this tutorial more usable
for non-Eastman users, particularly for those who do not have access
to Aleck Brinkman's score11 Csound score file preprocessor. To
date, the following revision changes have been installed:

(1) A new appendix contains Csound format (.sco) score files for all
of the examples within the tutorial. These can be used in place
of the score11 examples by those without access to score11.

(2) Chapter 1 has been revised, and now includes links to pertinent
sections within the Csound Reference manual, so that one can view a
discussion within the tutorial and the corresponding opcode information
within the reference manual in side-by-side browser windows. By the
end of the summer the other 5 chapters of the tutorial also
will include such links.

Additionally, I have spoken with Aleck Brinkman, and he will be posting
to this group shortly with information on his plans to make score11
more easily and readily available as a shareware program in
Unix/Mac/Windows versions downloadable from the Eastman Computer Music
Center site.

My thanks to all who have contacted me about the tutorial.

*   Allan Schindler                         *
*   Director, Eastman Computer Music Center *
*   Email :  allan@esm.rochester.edu        *
*   Voice :  (716) 274 1575                 *
*   FAX :    716 274  1088                  *

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Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 11:14:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: Micheal Allen Thompson 
To: Graeme Gerrard 
Cc: Csound List 
Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
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On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Graeme Gerrard wrote:

> >I have a version of csound that generates 8 channel files. It runs on
> >SGI IRIX...
> Wonderful. Did you write the opcodes yourself?  Can they be incorporated 
> in a general release?
yes I added an opcoded called outo. It was pretty simple... The code
should work on any unix system I dont see why it woulded work in
anyversion of csound though.... I use it on my O2 at home, mostly to write
8 channel soundfiles that I mix with a program called mixie for the SGI.
This program will read any number of channels contained in a soundfile. I
have had 4 8channels soundfiles 4 2channel files and 3 mono channels being
mixed at once on my O2 without any audio breakup. 

I have run csound with 8channel output in real-time on the O2 as well...
reading in 2 or 3 soundfiles and then panning them through the 8 channels,
each with its own path, using equal power panning. Csound is just too
slow to do anymore sounds in realtime.

 > >You already have quad output.
Due to the internal structure a
> >multiple output opcode as you seem to suggest is rather hard. There is
> >clearly a need/desire for 6 channels, but that is not an task to be
> >undertaken lightly.
> >
> >==John 
> Why do we need to stop at 6 channels?
> If it is "hard" let's conquer it.  There are plenty of opcodes that 
> hardly anyone uses, a multichannel output may only be used by a few 
> percent of people immediately, but let's keep Csound at the forefront.  
> Quad is nothing - we did that in the 70s (some of us anyway), then we 
> "modelled" for ideally placed listeners.  Back in 1991-92 I did some 
> pieces for 8 and even 16 channels.
> I have attended concerts where stereo DAT and CD pieces have been 
> diffused over multiple speakers (18-23 speakers) and they have been 
> spectacular, but in a spatial sense, have achieved a kind of monody 
> rather than counterpoint.  Some people think multichannel pieces in 
> concert situations just have the same problems as stereo, but multiplied 
> by the number of speakers, but not necessarily, IMO - we just need to 
> learn how to "play" such set ups.
I think most people dont want to add an opcode that cant be used on all
platforms. Seems that csound is a big deal on desktops now(Mac, PeeCee's)
and multichannel support isnt totally intergrated into the systems yet.
There is really no reason for these systems not to be ablee to read
multichannel files it just hasnt been something that is needed
commercially. I understand that... but, why not add it to csound? if you
dont want to use it then dont use it....
> >I think Richard hit on a very important point here, it isn't that people are
> >unwilling to write software which utilises Quadfiles, the problem is that
> >although manufacturers are starting to make soundcards with multiple outs,
> >they are not providing Quadrophonic/Octaphonic driver software to go with
> >them. 
> (JamieB)
> Nope.  There are at least half a dozen cards currently available for 
> multichannel analog or digital playback and more coming.  We Csounders 
> are behind the times.
> Emagic, Lucid, Sekd, Digidesign, Korg, Sonorus, Yamaha, MOTU and probably 
> others all have 8 or 16 channel analog or digital cards (or cards plus 
> external boxes).
> Mostly they have drivers for Windows systems, but Mac too. 
yes, but they dont read/write more than 2 channels in a soundfile...
atleast thats what I get out of this whole thing.
> > Fernando Rodrigues, fmr@mail.telepac.pt wrote:
> > AudioMulch is in the same way. [i.e. 2 channel]
> Sorry, but Ross Bencina has written an add on for AudioMulch for 8 
> channel output. I heard and saw it at a concert 2 Saturdays ago.  This is 
> a Windows app, not Mac.

> Check:
> Have PC and Mac multichannel cards and software listted as well.

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Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:13:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
Reply-To: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
To: Micheal Allen Thompson 
Cc: Graeme Gerrard , 
    Csound List 
Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
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> > diffused over multiple speakers (18-23 speakers) and they have been 
> > spectacular, but in a spatial sense, have achieved a kind of monody 
> > rather than counterpoint.  Some people think multichannel pieces in 

	you can get counterpoint with many speakers over 2-channel
tape - different speakers and different placement in the space has
different frequency response, etc.. so can sound as if more than 2-tracks
(plus adding a "performer" at the mixing desk....)

> > concert situations just have the same problems as stereo, but multiplied 
> > by the number of speakers, but not necessarily, IMO - we just need to 
> > learn how to "play" such set ups.

	same thing as above + where audience member is in the space can
actually mess up desired effect of composer - especially when you have
computer simulate spatial placement (ala chowning mover instr)	

	granted, combination of the two (what you mena by "play" possibly)
attitudes might be interesting...  or how about multiple tape/cd/computer 
decks also, so you could "play" with placement in time as well...

	joe - do you care to share your BEAST perspective?

> commercially. I understand that... but, why not add it to csound? if you
> dont want to use it then dont use it....

	well, that seems the prevailing attitude over the past few


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Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 00:37:55 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
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I really don't know, yet! But I do mean opcodes which relate to some intrinsic
relationship and interaction betweeen the channels (reverb, panning and general
spatial movement being the obvious ones). A six-channel filter, for example, is
really the same as six one-channel filters, whereas an instrument whose timbre
is distributed coherently across six channels is clearly not the same as six
mono instruments.

Richard Dobson

Micheal Allen Thompson wrote:

> hmmmm... what do you mean by specific musical purpose for opcodes? related
> to csound or someother program?
> Michael

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Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 01:17:43 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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To: Fernando Rodrigues 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
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Hmm, well, I have just downloaded the sekd demo of Samplitue Studio 4.51, and
attempted to load one of my 4-channel files. It does manage, sort of - but the
display shows rubbish, and any attempt to play crashes the program immediately
(and I do have two soundcards in my machine). So, sorry, 'nul points' for sekd

At the risk of repeating myself, I KNOW there are lots of 'multi-channel' cards
available, and that applications which know about them can create a
mutli-channel project, and play it, but NONE OF THEM, to my knowledge, will read
a four-channel WAVE file properly. The better applications reject the file,
informing you of an unsupported format; the not so good ones assume the file is
stereo, if it is not mono, load it, and then throw wobblies. 

Everyone on this list who has a recent verison of Csound (certainly on the PC),
can use it to create a four-channel WAV file. Can I suggest a global research
project to find all the applications, and soundcards, which will read and play

Failing that, with John Fitch's agreement, I could provide example multi-channel
WAVE and AIFF files (let us say, 4,6,8,16 channels) on the Bath site, for anyone
to download and use to test products with.

Richard Dobson

Fernando Rodrigues wrote:
> Allow me to say something about multichannels support in Win95.
> Currently, there are several soundcards that support real multichannel
> playback.
> Examples include the Emagic AudioWerk8 (they have now a Windows multichannel
> drive that allow any application to work with the card and access all the
> eight outputs).
> Other examples are the ARC88 and Midia Prodif Gold - SEK'D (eight in, eight
> out - generic multi driver also), and the forthcoming MOTU 2408.
> About applications, it seems there is some confusion between the ability to
> play several files at once (multitrack playback), and the ability to pilot
> several outputs, which will give multi channel playback. Sound Forge could
> never be able to play several tracks, since it is a post-productions and
> mastering oriented tool, and only plays mono or stereo files (like the ones
> we get on CDs).
> About software to play multitrack files, there are several, and one is more
> or less well known - its Cool Edit Pro, the descendant of Cool Edit, and is
> able to play up to 64 tracks - however, it is not multichannel, since it
> plays averything through a stereo output. AudioMulch is in the same way.
> But there is at least one application I know that plays multitrack files AND
> multichannel, which is Samplitude Studio from SEK'D .
> This application, besides playback lots of tracks of audio, real time FX,
> etc., pilots up to four cards, or four stereo outputs, which is the same.
> This, together with ARC88, Midia Prodif Gold, AudioWerk8 or MOTU2408 gives
> true QUAD (actually OCTAD) output to anyone - if one has several amplifiers
> and/or amplified speakers.
> This is because, to have real QUAD output one will have to connect the first
> stereo pair to one stereo amplifier, and the second stereo pair to another
> stereo amplifier, or have four amplified speakers, like the Mackie HR824.
> If you have these facilities, buy one of the above listed cards and the
> mentioned aplication, and you'll have real QUAD outputs.
> Hope this gives some help, and sorry for the time consuming explanation.
> Fernando Rodrigues

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Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:58:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Qian Chen 
Subject: Re: Why Csound?
To: Kay Q Lee 
Cc: Csound 
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Dear Kay,

Sorry for my late reply since there has been something wrong with my
internet access.  I have read all the "Why Csound" email and would
like to add one more reason, that is, we can program orchestra file
and score file only once and have them compiled on different hardware
platform, using different version of Csound.  That is like the most
popular programming language - Sun Microsystems' Java.  Java is a
write-once-run-anywhere language.  We can name Csound as a
write-once-generate-anywhere language.

Anything wrong?  Please point out.

Qian Chen

---Kay Q Lee  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am new to this mailing list.  I just took part in it today!  So if
the question here has been asked by someone else before, please
forgive me.
> What I would like to know is why we choose Csound.  As far as I
know, Csound is a synthesis language.  It can really make a lot of
sounds that do not exist in the world.  But don't you think
synthesisers and samplers are great enough to realize it?  So why
Csound?  Could someone out there give me some advice so that I will be
clear about it?
> Thanks for your bandwidth.
> Regards
> Kay
> Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere!
> http://www.mailexcite.com

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 17:09:07 +1100
X-Mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, January 22, 1998
From: Graeme Gerrard 
To: Richard Dobson , 
    Fernando Rodrigues 
Cc: Csound list 
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Yes, there is a problem with format compatibility and whether apps fully
implement say, for example, the full WAV spec.  Some systems only use 
formats at the moment; that will be to their detriment in future I expect.

But Richard, this is really off the point, and not any kind of reason
for Csound not to support multichannel files itself.

>Hmm, well, I have just downloaded the sekd demo of Samplitue Studio 4.51, and
>attempted to load one of my 4-channel files. It does manage, sort of - but 
>display shows rubbish, and any attempt to play crashes the program 
>(and I do have two soundcards in my machine). So, sorry, 'nul points' for 
>At the risk of repeating myself, I KNOW there are lots of 'multi-channel' 
>available, and that applications which know about them can create a
>mutli-channel project, and play it, but NONE OF THEM, to my knowledge, 
>will read
>a four-channel WAVE file properly. The better applications reject the file,
>informing you of an unsupported format; the not so good ones assume the 
>file is
>stereo, if it is not mono, load it, and then throw wobblies. 
>Everyone on this list who has a recent verison of Csound (certainly on the 
>can use it to create a four-channel WAV file. Can I suggest a global research
>project to find all the applications, and soundcards, which will read and 
>Failing that, with John Fitch's agreement, I could provide example 
>WAVE and AIFF files (let us say, 4,6,8,16 channels) on the Bath site, for 
>to download and use to test products with.
>Richard Dobson

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          12 Jun 98 8:14 BST
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Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 17:09:27 +1100
X-Mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, January 22, 1998
From: Graeme Gerrard 
Cc: Csound list 
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Yes, there is a problem with format compatibility and whether apps fully
implement say, for example, the full WAV spec.  Some systems only use 
formats at the moment; that will be to their detriment in future I expect.

But Richard, this is really off the point, and not any kind of reason
for Csound not to support multichannel files itself.

>Hmm, well, I have just downloaded the sekd demo of Samplitue Studio 4.51, and
>attempted to load one of my 4-channel files. It does manage, sort of - but 
>display shows rubbish, and any attempt to play crashes the program 
>(and I do have two soundcards in my machine). So, sorry, 'nul points' for 
>At the risk of repeating myself, I KNOW there are lots of 'multi-channel' 
>available, and that applications which know about them can create a
>mutli-channel project, and play it, but NONE OF THEM, to my knowledge, 
>will read
>a four-channel WAVE file properly. The better applications reject the file,
>informing you of an unsupported format; the not so good ones assume the 
>file is
>stereo, if it is not mono, load it, and then throw wobblies. 
>Everyone on this list who has a recent verison of Csound (certainly on the 
>can use it to create a four-channel WAV file. Can I suggest a global research
>project to find all the applications, and soundcards, which will read and 
>Failing that, with John Fitch's agreement, I could provide example 
>WAVE and AIFF files (let us say, 4,6,8,16 channels) on the Bath site, for 
>to download and use to test products with.
>Richard Dobson

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Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:47:49 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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To: Graeme Gerrard 
Cc: Csound list 
Subject: Re: Multichannel outs
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Yes, I agree; the issue for me is really what one can do with a multi-channel
file once made, if most software cannot load it, and most hardware will not play
it! There will always be proprietary formats, and I have no problem with that;
what is needed is a generic, portable, cross-platform format which all
manufacturers recognize and support - and both WAVE and AIFF can do that very
nicely. It is a frustrating chicken/egg situation, and perhaps will only resolve
itself whan a major company creates a 'killer-app' using multi-channel WAVE
files. I am hoping that the emerging DVD/AC3 market will trigger such
developments; so anyone who develops a really good six-channel reverb should
appoint a good agent and business manager as soon as possible! Needless to say,
it's something I'm 'working on'...

Richard Dobson

Graeme Gerrard wrote:
> Richard,
> Yes, there is a problem with format compatibility and whether apps fully
> implement say, for example, the full WAV spec.  Some systems only use
> proprietary
> formats at the moment; that will be to their detriment in future I expect.
> But Richard, this is really off the point, and not any kind of reason
> for Csound not to support multichannel files itself.

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Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 06:30:05 EDT
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: any Csounders in Venice?
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Hello List,

I am going on vacation next week to venice, italy, and my wired question of
the day goes if any Csounders or other electronic musicians are in venice.

Originally I wanted to travel to Paris, but it is these days invaded by
thousands of hooligans celebrating a ritual around something round, checkerd
and leathered, so I rejected. I wanted to visit IRCAM but the Centre is closed
for renovation I heard and so I will visit Paris later...


Malte Steiner

Notstandskomitee / Das Kombinat
       Industrial Electronic Art

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