| In response to many recent request, both on this list and in private
email correspondence, I have begun a revision of the Eastman Csound Tutorial
Among the goals of this revision is to make this tutorial more usable
for non-Eastman users, particularly for those who do not have access
to Aleck Brinkman's score11 Csound score file preprocessor. To
date, the following revision changes have been installed:
(1) A new appendix contains Csound format (.sco) score files for all
of the examples within the tutorial. These can be used in place
of the score11 examples by those without access to score11.
(2) Chapter 1 has been revised, and now includes links to pertinent
sections within the Csound Reference manual, so that one can view a
discussion within the tutorial and the corresponding opcode information
within the reference manual in side-by-side browser windows. By the
end of the summer the other 5 chapters of the tutorial also
will include such links.
Additionally, I have spoken with Aleck Brinkman, and he will be posting
to this group shortly with information on his plans to make score11
more easily and readily available as a shareware program in
Unix/Mac/Windows versions downloadable from the Eastman Computer Music
Center site.
My thanks to all who have contacted me about the tutorial.
* Allan Schindler *
* Director, Eastman Computer Music Center *
* Email : allan@esm.rochester.edu *
* Voice : (716) 274 1575 *
* FAX : 716 274 1088 *