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hardware conflicts possible?

Date1998-06-15 23:07
FromKarl Petermichl
Subjecthardware conflicts possible?

I am glad this list is up and running, thanks to all who make this possible.

I received my card 2 weeks ago but have not installed it because I wanted
to find out about possible problems with othe sound cards. As I couldnt
find the specific needs for I/O areas, DMA channles or Interrupts in the
enclosed infos, I want to ask this on this list.

I do have a Terratec EWS64XL at the moment, which is VERY resource hungry,
so maybe I should dump it BEFORE I install the xtc board?

BTW, is it possible to use the digital ins from the xtc board for straight
HD reording from Win applications like Soundforge etc? the info says it
does install windows drivers but I wanted to check this BEFORE I install

I hope I can in the future ask not such (...stupid...) basic questions, but
post interesting sound design tips.....:)))))))

Thanks for any answers,
