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Re: compiler

Date1998-06-29 23:24
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: compiler
Incomplete replies:

jp wrote:
> First in a long series of ignorant and annoying questions from your truly about
> the Windows environment, with which i am acquainting myself on our new family
> computer. This is related to csound since I am planning our Win95 release of
> Cecilia.
> 1- Which C development/compiling environment is most common/productive/free?

I am using Visual C++ V.5 - hardly free, but I really appreciate the development
environment, not least the debugging support. It has generally come out tops in
journalistic evaluations, and, statistically, must be the most 'common', but the
Borland compiler is also very highly respected (though their documentation
isn't), and their 'OWL' object-oriented framework is widely regarded as superior
to Microsoft's MFC, which is a fairly thin (and not very O-O) wrapper of the

> 2- Which 3.48 version is most stable for Win95?

I'm not aware of any of them being especially unstable; the Winsound GUI is
however extremely un-Windows-like, and is easily crashable simply by clicking
the top-right close button.

> and specialy:
> 3- Do console-driven events (the dreaded -L flag) work on any version of 3.48?

Jpff has recently added this - I haven't tried it yet!

> and equally specialy:
> 4- Is it possible to pipe stuff from one app to another in Win95/98. (using the
> -L flag of course)...
> Yes? No?  Maybe?

Yes (but not using -L): Microsoft has developed it's own 'cool' (or 'hot')
interprocess faciltities, such as shared memory, and COM (the basis for OLE,
ActiveX, etc), of course, which is horribly complicated, but does mostly seem to
work very well. I am just starting to get into it myself, to write plugins. If
Csound were able to be implemented as a COM server ( sooo easy, I can't imagine
why no-one has done it yet...hoho) , any COM-aware application, such as Visual
Basic, could access it and control it.

There are also  'anonymous' and 'named' pipes, which are probably the closest
Microsoft comes to unix-ism; the latter are comms channels across a network,
while the former are strictly local. They have to be programmed for; these
things are not part of the existing console-based command system. You will need
to talk to real Win32 gurus for this stuff!

Good luck!

Richard Dobson

> All the best to nice people, humbug to the rest!
> --
> ________________________________________________________
> Jean Piche
> Universite de Montreal
> http://mistral.ere.umontreal.ca/~pichej
> http://www.musique.umontreal.ca/electro/CEC/