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Fw: clicks in soundin & score editor sadness

Date1998-06-27 07:41
FromMatti Koskinen
SubjectFw: clicks in soundin & score editor sadness
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Baker 
To: Matti Koskinen 
Date: 27. kesäkuuta 1998 7:39
Subject: Re: clicks in soundin & score editor sadness

>>From the description, you have
>in your file that is being read in.
>This can be removed by a specially
>designed highpass ("low-cut") filter,
>that removes signal energy < say, 3-8Hz,
>if you have a unix style os (SGI/NeXT/Linux)
>there is an excelent sound editor that has a fine
>dc-blocker filter: MXV or "MiXViews" .
>I havn't found a Mac editor that has this function,
>and as for CoolEdit/other PC editors...uh...dunno, although
>if my Intel box was working I would check.
>Which brings me to a sad revelation:
>I have lost access to my beta software Perl editor
>for csound scores I am writing, at least for a while:
>power supply went out on my intel box
>and since I mostly code/work under Linux,
>well...I hope & pray my SCSI disks are ok.
>(i have an older version in hardcopy and on tape,
>sooo...even if...)
>When I get my machine back, I'll see if I can't finish
>this...I think Score-11 is great, but open source is
>the way to go: BRAVO to MIT for maintaining
>csound and cscore as open source!!!
>I really think mine's a little simpler to use than the cscore
>lib, if only because you don't really have to code
>at all to edit your notelist (program prompts you...),
>but you can if you want.
>Wish me luck. I'm also  sorry to say that I was asked if
>I couldn't get it on the MIT book/CDROM...but I doubt
>it'll be done in time, now. Sigh. Well, anyway I GOTTA
>get it out to you guys so maybe someone will use it and
>break it: I'm sure the Cecilia crowd will tell you how
>important bug reports are to a software product.