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Re: clicks & csound editor apology

Date1998-06-27 11:05
FromCharles Baker
SubjectRe: clicks & csound editor apology
For the fellow who asked about clicks from soundin:
this sounds very much like the problems I
(and others I know) have had with "DC-offset"...
try a DC-blocking filter...for an editor with a excellent
DC blocking filter, I recommend MXV ("MiXViews"),
if you have a UNIX based system (Sun/SGI/NeXT/Linux).
I'm sure high end sound editors on all platforms will have this.

As for the apology:
I am truly sorry to say,
I have lost access to my beta software Perl editor
for csound scores I am writing, at least for a while:
power supply went out on my intel box
and since I mostly code/work under Linux,
well...I hope & pray my SCSI disks are ok.
(i have an older version in hardcopy and on tape,
sooo...even if...)
When I get my machine back, I'll see if I can't finish
this...I think Score-11 is great, but open source is
the way to go: BRAVO to MIT and all (=jpff,N.B.,D.P.,J.P.,ET AL.!!)
for maintainingcsound and cscore as open source!!!
I really thinky editor will be a little simpler to use than the cscore
lib, if only because you don't really have to code
at all to edit your notelist (program prompts you...),
but you can if you want.
Wish me luck. I'm also  sorry to say that I was asked if
I couldn't get it on the MIT book/CDROM...but I doubt
it'll be done in time, now. Sigh. Well, anyway I GOTTA
get it out to you guys so maybe someone will use it and
break it: I'm sure the Cecilia crowd will tell you how
important bug reports are to a software product.

L&K, all....
Char lieB