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2012-05-14 02:01Deepak [Csnd] Regarding Scanned Synthesis...
2012-05-13 03:30Cacophony7 [Csnd] trouble with cut, copy and paste in CsoundQt
2012-05-12 19:01Anton Kholomiov [Csnd] OT: canonical way of doing audio IO with portaudio in big systems
2012-05-12 12:47michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] newbie and csoundPerform
2012-05-12 04:31Jim Aikin [Csnd] QuteCsound 0.6.1 quitting in Mac 10.6.8
2012-05-12 03:09Shawn56 [Csnd] irate to krate
2012-05-12 01:40Stephen Grant Lists [Csnd] newbie and csoundPerform
2012-05-11 19:48Brian Redfern [Csnd] csound.js
2012-05-11 02:34Cacophony7 [Csnd] It only plays half the file and then it repeats (CsoundQt)
2012-05-10 23:17joachim heintz [Csnd] csound floss manuals editing
2012-05-10 21:09JER BOK [Csnd] Max/Csound for Live vs. Cabbage??????
2012-05-10 12:31Hans Van Den Tillaart Re: [Csnd] Perry R. Cook STK for Csound Osx?
2012-05-10 10:03Giorgio Zucco [Csnd] Perry R. Cook STK for Csound Osx?
2012-05-09 23:24Rory Walsh [Csnd] Csound API with C#?
2012-05-09 22:12Stefan Thomas [Csnd] gaussian wavetable?
2012-05-09 17:17Adam Puckett [Csnd] interpolation
2012-05-08 20:30Toby [Csnd] Still controlling Kontakt
2012-05-08 16:39Tolga Uz [Csnd] Hi All! Need for Loris Opcodes
2012-05-08 13:28Anders Genell [Csnd] synchronization
2012-05-07 23:43Tobiah [Csnd] Controling Kontakt through OSC
2012-05-06 14:31Louis Cohen [Csnd] Bug in -- new parser? csound doubles?
2012-05-05 16:01Stefan Thomas [Csnd] searching for an audio intervace
2012-05-05 15:12zappfinger [Csnd] light organ
2012-05-04 23:25Richard Re: [Csnd] fout and long performances
2012-05-04 18:02luis antunes pena [Csnd] New piece for Double Bass and Electronics
2012-05-04 13:43Rory Walsh [Csnd] [OT] No Copyright on Computer Functionality or Computer Languages
2012-05-03 03:57Michael Gogins [Csnd] (BELATED?) ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meets Thursday
2012-05-01 18:10Richard Re: [Csnd] fout and long performances
2012-05-01 18:09Richard Re: [Csnd] fout and long performances
2012-05-01 17:21zappfinger [Csnd] fout and long performances
2012-05-01 12:16Dave Seidel [Csnd] Csound on StillStream
2012-04-30 20:27Adam Puckett [Csnd] logfile CsOption
2012-04-30 11:32Rory Walsh [Csnd] new parser..
2012-04-29 22:41Roger Kelly [Csnd] Bug in 5.17 Macro definition
2012-04-29 19:05Tobiah [Csnd] Clarify statement in manual
2012-04-28 23:22Tobiah [Csnd] [OT?] Driving MIDI synth from a python program.
2012-04-28 19:35Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Compiling and using a Plugin Unit Generator
2012-04-28 16:41Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Question about oscils and quality flag
2012-04-28 14:20luis jure [Csnd] bug in new parser?
2012-04-27 23:20Brian Wong [Csnd] picc
2012-04-27 17:26"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Suggestions for a live Csound performance
2012-04-27 16:53Gareth Edwards [Csnd] Suggestions for a live Csound performance
2012-04-27 16:35Kelly Hirai [Csnd] programming as expression
2012-04-27 14:41john ffitch Re: [Csnd] Re: these might be beginners questions. no shame.
2012-04-26 14:29Anders Genell [Csnd] if then else behavior
2012-04-26 05:12"artisan.audio.research" [Csnd] csound not building executable on linux
2012-04-26 04:10Cacophony7 [Csnd] these might be beginners questions. no shame.
2012-04-26 01:19DavidW [Csnd] Fwd: Fully-funded PhD Studentship in Sonification: final notice, deadline 27 April
2012-04-25 00:13joachim heintz [Csnd] Csound Floss Manual - Second Release is out!
2012-04-24 21:57Victor [Csnd] Fwd: [LAD] Linux Audio Conference 2012 at CCRMA - proceedings and videos now available