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2011-12-22 11:00john ffitch [Csnd] Csound 5.15 sources on Sourceforge
2011-12-22 07:09Iain Duncan [Csnd] having problems using csound spin with jack
2011-12-22 05:36Iain Duncan [Csnd] error passing rtaudio=jack to csound->Compile, doesn't try to use jack
2011-12-22 04:19"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] Fwd: Santa LACus (your Xmas Linux Audio Conference 2012 reminder)
2011-12-22 02:58"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] New Composition: Magnificat
2011-12-21 20:07Robin Gareus [Csnd] Fwd: Santa LACus (your Xmas Linux Audio Conference 2012 reminder)
2011-12-21 15:03KITA [Csnd] Csound Conference report at ACMP2011 Tokyo
2011-12-21 06:33Iain Duncan [Csnd] stuck compiling csound api test, looks like linking errors
2011-12-21 00:20Bruno Ruviaro [LAU] Santa LACus (your Xmas Linux Audio Conference 2012 reminder)
2011-12-20 18:17Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] For Ann (rising)
2011-12-20 17:17Michele Nasti [Csnd] problem when opening 10 stereo files
2011-12-20 03:00Charles Gran [Csnd] Very simple FM
2011-12-19 23:00Jeremy Henty [Csnd] Build failure in latest git master
2011-12-19 01:11Iain Duncan [Csnd] 5.14.2 build failing on linux
2011-12-19 01:02Iain Duncan [Csnd] scons error building from 5.14.2 on linux, Engine/csound_orcparse.c missing?
2011-12-19 00:52andy fillebrown [Csnd] csoundRewindScore not working correctly with csoundPerformBuffer
2011-12-19 00:28Iain Duncan [Csnd] using CsoundAPI with jack
2011-12-19 00:26Iain Duncan [Csnd] Csound API ref manual?
2011-12-18 17:29john ffitch [Csnd] Next Release
2011-12-18 11:17Alex Weiss [Csnd] Analysis of noise signals
2011-12-18 03:01Matti Koskinen [Csnd] csound5 from git osx
2011-12-17 21:06Bjørn Houdorf[Csnd] Floss manual closed for new contributions?
2011-12-17 11:21Giorgio Zucco [Csnd] turnoff,turnoff2 and "named instrument"
2011-12-17 11:14joachim heintz [Csnd] table copy from pd to csound?
2011-12-17 00:17Jeremy Henty [Csnd] Git master master segfaults on toot01
2011-12-16 22:56Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] FYI: The 2011 UnTwelve competition
2011-12-16 20:13Matti Koskinen [Csnd] Bit OT strange phenomena
2011-12-16 08:40Rene Jopi [Csnd] GPU Computing
2011-12-15 20:33Jeremy Henty [Csnd] Sourceforge site is behind the times wrt. Csound versions
2011-12-14 21:00"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Random
2011-12-14 19:23Brian Wong [Csnd] Tutunwun
2011-12-13 20:19zappfinger [Csnd] record and play audio at the same time?
2011-12-13 19:45"E. Haeher" [Csnd] MUSIC-N
2011-12-13 18:59"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Pan Question
2011-12-13 18:57"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Random
2011-12-13 14:56Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] Csound api - pause / resume?
2011-12-13 11:59Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] sonification
2011-12-12 22:55Rory Walsh [Csnd] New piece...ish...
2011-12-12 05:01Kelly Hirai [Csnd] csound api
2011-12-11 19:53"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Pan Question
2011-12-11 13:54peiman khosravi [Csnd] pvs delay compensation
2011-12-11 10:04Stefan Thomas [Csnd] Spectrum analyzer
2011-12-10 00:15Julien Claassen [Csnd] Series of bell partials (in textual form)
2011-12-09 23:51Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] db opcode (bug?)
2011-12-09 16:50k_o_m_p [Csnd] sensekey
2011-12-09 15:37Michael Gogins [Csnd] New open access book on sonification
2011-12-08 15:57peiman khosravi OT Re: [Csnd] Re: csound/max msp
2011-12-08 12:48zappfinger [Csnd] midi velocity to number of partials
2011-12-08 12:36Rory Walsh [Csnd] MIDI-interop command line flags
2011-12-08 11:50Dave Phillips [Csnd] Vespers - music powered by Csound