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2012-03-25 22:31joachim heintz [Csnd] csound floss manual book sprint this week
2012-03-25 08:24Victor Lazzarini Re: [Csnd] v 5.16/17 issue
2012-03-24 23:23Jason Lim [Csnd] v 5.16/17 issue
2012-03-23 16:30Roger Kelly [Csnd] Tape vs DAW. Csound udo?
2012-03-23 13:02Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound Android Release Updated
2012-03-22 11:46john ffitch [Csnd] Csound 5.17 for Debian/Ubuntu
2012-03-21 18:48Rory Walsh [Csnd] latest window installer..
2012-03-21 12:18john ffitch [Csnd] Csound 5.17 is now available
2012-03-20 22:15peiman khosravi [Csnd] ftgen question
2012-03-18 17:24luis antunes pena [Csnd] old orc-sco format
2012-03-18 09:21Andres Cabrera [Csnd] Wiki page on score preprocessors
2012-03-17 21:27zappfinger [Csnd] OSC as GUI 'glue'
2012-03-17 16:06Roger Kelly [Csnd] mincer question.
2012-03-17 08:10francesco [Csnd]
2012-03-16 22:52john ffitch [Csnd] [OT] what I have been doing in my spare time
2012-03-16 14:11Giorgio Zucco [Csnd] Pwgl and Csound
2012-03-16 11:42Rory Walsh [Csnd] csLADSPA...
2012-03-15 20:14Julien Claassen [Csnd] MIDI realtime and a probably feature request
2012-03-15 14:04David Banks [Csnd] Realtime polyphonic portamento
2012-03-15 13:36francesco [Csnd] csound and lisp
2012-03-15 09:51zappfinger [Csnd] OSC and event_i
2012-03-14 23:41Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Csound csd preprocessor @github
2012-03-14 19:57Michael Gogins [Csnd] Online music
2012-03-14 09:26zappfinger [Csnd] import error libcsnd.so.5.2 on Ubuntu 10.04
2012-03-13 17:08Julien Claassen [Csnd] Loris in csound
2012-03-13 16:56Michele Nasti [Csnd] time-shift in diskin2
2012-03-13 14:37Julien Claassen [Csnd] orchestra macro/#include bug
2012-03-12 18:13Roger Kelly [Csnd] stsend works?
2012-03-12 17:42francesco [Csnd] Lua csound stk
2012-03-12 11:25Julien Claassen [Csnd] Constructing a modular synthesizer in csound - an organisational question
2012-03-12 04:50Alex Weiss [Csnd] vst4cs for Mac
2012-03-11 20:21Roger Kelly [Csnd] socksends error in 5.16 - Windows
2012-03-11 19:17Julien Claassen [Csnd] The new parser and error output
2012-03-11 12:36john ffitch Re: [Csnd] Note duration value converter idea
2012-03-10 22:30Julien Claassen [Csnd] csound segfaulting with the vco ladspa plugin (fwd)
2012-03-10 10:08zappfinger [Csnd] [OT] Roselle
2012-03-10 09:01Gmail [Csnd] construct a midi file player with csound
2012-03-10 04:54Forrest Cahoon [Csnd] Why does this csd only echo once?
2012-03-10 00:15Jim Aikin [Csnd] [OT] Installing Linux in a Windows 7 Machine
2012-03-09 16:20"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] [OT] csound evangelization much needed, but for reasons
2012-03-09 15:36Julien Claassen [Csnd] looping/partially looping envelopes
2012-03-09 12:39john ffitch [Csnd] How many active instruments
2012-03-09 05:55Deepak [Csnd] Seeding options for tilde (~) in the score file
2012-03-08 21:21Steven Yi [Csnd] libpd: Book, Coverage, Site
2012-03-08 17:20Rory Walsh [Csnd] [OT] building software on OSX
2012-03-08 13:11Giorgio Zucco [Csnd] Ocenaudio
2012-03-08 11:34joachim heintz [Csnd] live input delayed after overflow
2012-03-08 00:03Steven Yi [Csnd] [announce] blue 2.2.1
2012-03-07 22:24COCHEDELAFERTE [Csnd] Low latency kernel
2012-03-07 16:12Bernt Isak Wærstad[Csnd] Following up "Playing-multiple-instruments-from-a-single-MIDI-channel"