| Hi,
I'm not sure how well it works for 5.14. If it doesn't work, you can
specify --old-parser in the additional command line flags. Hopefully
that should work. However it might not as flags for determining the
parser have changed since then.
On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Louis Cohen wrote:
> I was not aware of that option. Thanks!
> -Lou
> On May 6, 2012, at 12:21 PM, joachim heintz wrote:
>> hi lou -
>> aren't you able to uncheck the "Use new parser" box in CsoundQt's
>> configure>run tab?
>> joachim
>> Am 06.05.2012 18:07, schrieb Louis Cohen:
>>> Thanks, John,
>>> I suppose that the reason I'm using is the parser with 5.14 is because
>>> of how Andres configured csoundQT for me.
>>> I would very much like to be up to date with csound, but I'm stuck
>>> between a rock and hard place. I use MacCsound a great deal, and that
>>> keeps me at OSX10.5.8 (or maybe 10.6, I'm not sure.) But the recent
>>> downloads of csound seem only to run with 10.6 and above.
>>> I would like to switch to csoundQT, which would solve the version
>>> problems, but I need a way of evaluating it before completely changing
>>> my environment. Andres is helping me by providing me with a version of
>>> csoundQT that runs on OSX10.5.8. Apparently this version uses the new
>>> parser. There's nothing I can do about that.
>>> If you have any suggestions about a path I might take to move into the
>>> modern world, I'd appreciate it.
>>> best,
>>> Lou Cohen
>>> On May 6, 2012, at 11:06 AM, jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote:
>>>> It works correctly on 5.17 and the cs6 development
>>>> New parser was not complete in 5.14 which id way old
>>>>> I discovered a bug in the way csound handles the "power" operator " ^
>>>>> ".
>>>>> While this works:
>>>>> 2^2 gives 4
>>>>> The following does not work:
>>>>> k1 = 2
>>>>> 2^k1 gives 1
>>>>> I THINK this bug exists with csound 5.14 (doubles). The workaround is
>>>>> to use
>>>>> pow 2, k1 instead of 2^k1.
>>>>> I'm a little confused about what version of csound I'm running, so
>>>>> I've enclosed console printouts of two runs.
>>>>> Here's the csd:
>>>>> instr 1
>>>>> ktrig init 1
>>>>> if(ktrig==1)then
>>>>> k1 = 2^(-1)
>>>>> printk 1,k1 ;should be 0.5
>>>>> k1 = 2^1
>>>>> printk 1,k1,2 ;should be 2
>>>>> k1 = 2^0
>>>>> printk 1,k1,4 ;should be 1
>>>>> kexp = 2
>>>>> k1 = 2^kexp
>>>>> printk 1,k1,6 ;should be 4
>>>>> k1 pow 2, kexp
>>>>> printk 1,k1, 8 ;should be 4
>>>>> ktrig = 0
>>>>> endif
>>>>> endin
>>>>> i 1 0 5
>>>>> Here's output from the csoundQT console, using a special version of
>>>>> csoundQT 0.7 made for me by Andres. In this output, 2^kexp gives the
>>>>> result of 1, which is incorrect.
>>>>> ********************
>>>>> ********************
>>>>> Parsing successful!
>>>>> Creating boolean expression
>>>>> sorting score ...
>>>>> ... done
>>>>> Csound version 5.14 (double samples) Oct 12 2011
>>>>> 0dBFS level = 32768.0
>>>>> orch now loaded
>>>>> audio buffered in 1024 sample-frame blocks
>>>>> CoreAudio module: sr set to 44100 with 1 audio channels
>>>>> CoreAudio module: device open with 4 buffers of 4096 frames
>>>>> ==========================================================
>>>>> reading 2048-byte blks of shorts from adc (RAW)
>>>>> writing 2048-byte blks of shorts to dac
>>>>> SECTION 1:
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 0.50000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 2.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 1.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 1.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 4.00000
>>>>> Score finished in csoundPerformKsmps().
>>>>> inactive allocs returned to freespace
>>>>> end of score. overall amps: 0.0
>>>>> overall samples out of range: 0
>>>>> 0 errors in performance
>>>>> coreaudio module: closing device...
>>>>> Next is output on the same computer, running the csd from the
>>>>> terminal. In this case 2^kexp gives the correct result, namely 4. I
>>>>> have no idea why I'm running double samples from csoundQT and float
>>>>> samples from terminal.
>>>>> 0dBFS level = 32768.0
>>>>> Csound version 5.14 (float samples) Oct 10 2011
>>>>> libsndfile-1.0.21
>>>>> WARNING: could not open library '/Library/Frameworks/
>>>>> CsoundLib.framework/Versions/5.2/Resources/Opcodes/libjacko.dylib' (-1)
>>>>> WARNING: could not open library '/Library/Frameworks/
>>>>> CsoundLib.framework/Versions/5.2/Resources/Opcodes/
>>>>> libjackTransport.dylib' (-1)
>>>>> WARNING: could not open library '/Library/Frameworks/
>>>>> CsoundLib.framework/Versions/5.2/Resources/Opcodes/librtjack.dylib'
>>>>> (-1)
>>>>> UnifiedCSD: /Users/louiscohen/Desktop/csoundTemperamentTuner/
>>>>> expTest.csd
>>>>> Creating options
>>>>> Creating orchestra
>>>>> Creating score
>>>>> orchname: /var/folders/Mn/MnzKOmWZELq8tIchSgNSQ++++TI/-Tmp-//csound-
>>>>> WRGpd2.orc
>>>>> scorename: /var/folders/Mn/MnzKOmWZELq8tIchSgNSQ++++TI/-Tmp-//csound-
>>>>> pq9Ihc.sco
>>>>> graph init
>>>>> rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled ... using callback interface
>>>>> rtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
>>>>> orch compiler:
>>>>> instr 1
>>>>> Elapsed time at end of orchestra compile: real: 0.046s, CPU: 0.005s
>>>>> sorting score ...
>>>>> ... done
>>>>> Elapsed time at end of score sort: real: 0.047s, CPU: 0.006s
>>>>> Csound version 5.14 (float samples) Oct 10 2011
>>>>> 0dBFS level = 32768.0
>>>>> orch now loaded
>>>>> audio buffered in 1024 sample-frame blocks
>>>>> writing 2048-byte blks of shorts to test.aif (AIFF)
>>>>> SECTION 1:
>>>>> new alloc for instr 1:
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 0.50000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 2.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 1.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 4.00000
>>>>> i 1 time 0.00023: 4.00000
>>>>> B 0.000 .. 5.000 T 5.000 TT 5.000 M: 0.0
>>>>> Score finished in csoundPerform().
>>>>> inactive allocs returned to freespace
>>>>> end of score. overall amps: 0.0
>>>>> overall samples out of range: 0
>>>>> 0 errors in performance
>>>>> Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 0.074s, CPU: 0.017s
>>>>> 216 2048-byte soundblks of shorts written to test.aif (AIFF)
>>>>> Macintosh:~ louiscohen$
>>>>> -Lou
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