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R: Re: [Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour

Date2012-07-05 22:47
SubjectR: Re: [Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour
thank you


>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: noisesmith@gmail.com
>Data: 05/07/2012 20.41
>Ogg: Re: [Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour
>off the top of my head, any combination of ring modulation,
>waveshaping, wavetable distortion, fm, resonant filtering, spectral
>blurring or spectral time-smearing should be able to keep rhythms and
>pitch contours but hide the words if set up properly
>it sounds like in small talk Lansky is using pitch tracking plus
>triggering of instruments based on pitch/amplitude change thresholds
>(maybe via midi? of course no need for your solution to use midi if
>this is all done within csound). The "pitch" and "samphold" opcodes
>would probably be a decent start if you wanted to replicate that
>effect - which should not be so hard since it relies on breaking up
>words into flurries of smaller events, which is how bad pitch tracking
>tends to fail anyway.
>Or maybe I am mishearing the effect there?
>On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:23 AM, massimofragala@libero.it
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recorded a conversation and I would like to hide the words and capture 
>> rhythm and pitch contours. I want to create with csound an effect that 
>> like the effect Paul Lansky made in his piece "SmallTalk".
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thank you
>> Massimo
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