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[Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour

Date2012-07-05 19:23
Subject[Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour
Hi all,

I recorded a conversation and I would like to hide the words and capture the 
rhythm and pitch contours. I want to create with csound an effect that sounds 
like the effect Paul Lansky made in his piece "SmallTalk".
Any suggestions? 

Thank you


Date2012-07-05 19:41
FromJustin Smith
SubjectRe: [Csnd] capture the rhythm and pitch contour
off the top of my head, any combination of ring modulation,
waveshaping, wavetable distortion, fm, resonant filtering, spectral
blurring or spectral time-smearing should be able to keep rhythms and
pitch contours but hide the words if set up properly

it sounds like in small talk Lansky is using pitch tracking plus
triggering of instruments based on pitch/amplitude change thresholds
(maybe via midi? of course no need for your solution to use midi if
this is all done within csound). The "pitch" and "samphold" opcodes
would probably be a decent start if you wanted to replicate that
effect - which should not be so hard since it relies on breaking up
words into flurries of smaller events, which is how bad pitch tracking
tends to fail anyway.

Or maybe I am mishearing the effect there?

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:23 AM, massimofragala@libero.it
> Hi all,
> I recorded a conversation and I would like to hide the words and capture the
> rhythm and pitch contours. I want to create with csound an effect that sounds
> like the effect Paul Lansky made in his piece "SmallTalk".
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you
> Massimo
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