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2006-01-22 20:05Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] function tables power-of-2, etc
2006-01-22 19:34Matt Ingalls [Cs-dev] function tables power-of-2, etc
2006-01-20 14:54Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] re: crash when enabling midi on and out
2006-01-19 21:12Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Callback functions...
2006-01-19 20:09Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Callback functions...
2006-01-19 20:00Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] libsndfile version for Cs5 release
2006-01-19 19:51Anthony Kozar [Cs-dev] libsndfile version for Cs5 release
2006-01-19 19:44Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Callback functions...
2006-01-19 16:51Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] build failure
2006-01-19 15:53Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] build failure
2006-01-19 03:48"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] portaudio and latest windows rc2 binary
2006-01-19 03:33David Akbari [Cs-dev] libsndfile anomaly ?
2006-01-19 01:15"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] portaudio and latest windows rc2 binary
2006-01-18 22:40Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] portaudio and latest windows rc2 binary
2006-01-18 21:51Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] portaudio and latest windows rc2 binary
2006-01-18 19:32Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] Callback functions...
2006-01-18 15:09Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] string variables in pycall
2006-01-18 14:27Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] File formats
2006-01-18 06:08jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] To whoever used an address @RaymondJames.com
2006-01-17 20:36Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] File formats
2006-01-17 18:15Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] File formats
2006-01-17 14:06Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] File formats
2006-01-17 07:52jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] File formats
2006-01-17 00:55Anthony Kozar [Cs-dev] resony opcode missing
2006-01-16 10:05Neil Dökkalfar[Cs-dev] Swig and Lua
2006-01-16 09:50Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Linux performance
2006-01-13 19:49Iain Duncan [Cs-dev] Some code to check
2006-01-13 18:19Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Linux performance
2006-01-13 16:32Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Linux performance
2006-01-13 16:20Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Linux performance
2006-01-13 15:22Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] Linux performance
2006-01-13 07:35Anthony Kozar [Cs-dev] pans opcode
2006-01-13 02:16"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Manual updated
2006-01-12 17:49Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] portaudio on Linux
2006-01-11 04:51Steven Yi [Cs-dev] String Arguments - no periods?
2006-01-11 02:16"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] PortAudio problems on Windows
2006-01-10 20:25Steven Yi [Cs-dev] Error on WinXP
2006-01-09 14:55Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Targets for a release
2006-01-09 14:50Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2
2006-01-09 14:48Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] re: [Csnd] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2
2006-01-09 14:44Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Targets for a release
2006-01-09 08:26jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] and another problem
2006-01-09 07:10jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] Compilation problem
2006-01-09 06:25jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] Targets for a release
2006-01-08 01:49"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] pmidi.dll
2006-01-07 17:03"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] pmidi.dll
2006-01-07 11:07Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] pmidi.dll
2006-01-05 15:19Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] .csoundrc
2006-01-05 10:14Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] .csoundrc
2006-01-04 22:47Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] wgbrass