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[Cs-dev] string variables in pycall

Date2006-01-18 15:09
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
Subject[Cs-dev] string variables in pycall
Would it be possible to let the pycall opcodes accept strings as arguments ?
As it is now, they accept k-rate variables,
but it would be very handy to be able to send strings from csound to python.

The same goes for pyassign, I guess.


Date2006-01-18 15:49
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
Subject[Cs-dev] chn channel list

I asked some days ago if it would be possible to use csnd.CsoundChannelList()
to list bus channels created in instruments (e.g. outside the global section, and without using chnexport explicitly).

You might already know,
but I discovered that it is indeed possible.
Using chnget in an instr updates the hosts channel list.
