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2003-10-20 02:07stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3179] Opcode-Lib's (in general), csound.c
2003-10-20 00:52stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3178] --opcode-lib stuff, specdisp, update
2003-10-19 19:20Hans-Christoph Steiner [CSOUND-DEV:3174] any luck compiling Csound 4 on MacOS X?
2003-10-18 20:29stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3173] Regarding Opcode Lib Make Process
2003-10-18 20:10stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3172] [ot] Eclipse CDT 1.2 out (C/C++ dev environment)
2003-10-17 13:57"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3169] Csound API in Csound 5
2003-10-17 01:34"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3166] Fluidsynth
2003-10-17 01:29"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3165] New commits for CsoundVST
2003-10-16 13:36stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3160] configure.in modified
2003-10-16 09:19jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:3157] strings/* in CVS/csound5
2003-10-16 00:44stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3151] test
2003-10-15 18:18jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:3149] How does one build csound?
2003-10-15 14:29"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3143] RE: csound5 - otran error
2003-10-15 06:11stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3142] csound5 - otran error
2003-10-15 06:11stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3141] csound5 - otran error
2003-10-15 06:01stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3140] csound5 - otran error
2003-10-14 21:38"Iain Duncan" [CSOUND-DEV:3136] Re: More on non-functioning configure
2003-10-14 17:20Hans-Christoph Steiner [CSOUND-DEV:3135] MacOS X installer maker
2003-10-14 14:15"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3134] RE: More on non-functioning configure
2003-10-14 14:14"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3133] RE: Use of Portaudio
2003-10-14 11:21Yury Aliaev [CSOUND-DEV:3131] Csound 4.24.1 segfault
2003-10-14 09:48jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:3130] More on non-functioning configure
2003-10-14 09:09Gabriel Maldonado [CSOUND-DEV:3129] Re: Use of Portaudio
2003-10-14 08:24jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:3128] Use of Portaudio
2003-10-11 21:36stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3127] Csound -mmmx and -msse
2003-10-06 07:36Anthony Kozar [CSOUND-DEV:3118] Compiled 4.23f07 on Mac OS 9
2003-10-06 06:06"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3117] Re: Major performance issues with 4.23 on OS 9
2003-10-01 01:10"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3105] RE: Read-only files in Windows
2003-09-30 15:29"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3102] RE: Read-only files in Windows
2003-09-30 14:45ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)[CSOUND-DEV:3101] Read-only files in Windows
2003-09-29 18:20Anthony Kozar [CSOUND-DEV:3099] Major performance issues with 4.23 on OS 9
2003-09-24 14:09"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3097] RE: CSound API with wxCSound
2003-09-16 21:12steven [CSOUND-DEV:3095] compiling csound5 on win2k with cygwin
2003-09-16 14:33"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3094] RE: CSound API with 4.23f07?
2003-09-15 17:41"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3088] RE: CSound API with 4.23f07?
2003-09-15 15:48ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)[CSOUND-DEV:3087] CSound API with 4.23f07?
2003-09-14 18:46stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3085] ...forgot to mention
2003-09-14 18:36stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3083] Updated Makefile.lnx in Csound CVS (Csound4)
2003-09-13 06:10Hans-Christoph Steiner [CSOUND-DEV:3082] Compiling csound 4 for MacOS X
2003-09-12 17:36Anthony Kozar [CSOUND-DEV:3080] License for the Mill's front-end?
2003-09-02 13:26Dave Phillips [CSOUND-DEV:3078] Re: wxCSound 0.1.0 released
2003-09-02 12:04ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)[CSOUND-DEV:3077] wxCSound 0.1.0 released
2003-08-31 15:36Gabriel Maldonado [CSOUND-DEV:3075] Bug in negative function length found
2003-08-29 01:43Kevin Conder [CSOUND-DEV:3071] Re: Argdecode.c -> GNU Getopts ?
2003-08-27 13:55"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3065] Re: questions
2003-08-27 10:12jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:3064] Re: questions
2003-08-27 02:51stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:3063] questions
2003-08-13 13:43"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:3062] Re: CsoundVST
2003-08-13 03:42"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:3060] CsoundVST
2003-08-02 18:47steven [CSOUND-DEV:3057] Removing Makefiles from CVS