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[CSOUND-DEV:3173] Regarding Opcode Lib Make Process

Date2003-10-18 20:29
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3173] Regarding Opcode Lib Make Process
Hi all,

Just curious about the Makefile for the Opcodes directory.  Any reason
that the shared objects are being symbolically linked over to a Plugins
dir?  For me, there's numerous complaints and something funny going on
there.  The complaints being that the files are not there to be removed
when on first compiling the shared libs (I'm reexporting almost daily
the full cvs often to compile from scratch), and this past time around
in compiling I got something strange in that the Plugins dir wasn't a
directory, but somehow was either a link to a binary file or a copy of
one (didn't check before removing).  

Any ideas?


Date2003-10-20 10:38
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3187] Re: Regarding Opcode Lib Make Process
>>>>> "stevenyi" == stevenyi   writes:

 stevenyi> Hi all,
 stevenyi> Just curious about the Makefile for the Opcodes directory.  Any reason
 stevenyi> that the shared objects are being symbolically linked over to a Plugins
 stevenyi> dir?  For me, there's numerous complaints and something funny going on
 stevenyi> there.  The complaints being that the files are not there to be removed
 stevenyi> when on first compiling the shared libs (I'm reexporting almost daily
 stevenyi> the full cvs often to compile from scratch), and this past time around
 stevenyi> in compiling I got something strange in that the Plugins dir wasn't a
 stevenyi> directory, but somehow was either a link to a binary file or a copy of
 stevenyi> one (didn't check before removing).  

My plan was that the Plugin directory was all that needed to be
fetched to use the plugins, and mosty people are not interested in

==John ffitch