2003-12-03 01:29 | steven | [CSOUND-DEV:3611] SourceForge compile farm |
2003-12-02 23:27 | steven | [CSOUND-DEV:3610] -mno-cygwin and csound4 on win2k, autoconf |
2003-12-02 22:09 | steven | [CSOUND-DEV:3609] FluidOpcodes - Windows |
2003-12-02 09:47 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3605] New FluidSynth Opcodes in csound4 cvs |
2003-11-30 18:34 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3596] Re: csound directory reorganized |
2003-11-30 16:37 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3592] RE: Opcode deinitialization |
2003-11-30 08:11 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3589] Opcode deinitialization |
2003-11-30 02:55 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3588] csound5 - cs.h changed |
2003-11-29 18:10 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3585] Re: T] |
2003-11-29 13:37 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3581] |
2003-11-29 07:04 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3577] host API: csoundAppendOpcode |
2003-11-29 05:50 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3576] OT Dev C++ |
2003-11-28 04:20 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3568] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-28 00:21 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3565] Re: ENVIRON -> ENVIRONMENT (?) |
2003-11-27 22:01 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3564] cs.h change proposition |
2003-11-27 21:47 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3563] ENVIRON -> ENVIRONMENT (?) |
2003-11-27 01:17 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3559] Re: Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-26 22:00 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3556] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 21:56 | Anthony Kozar | [CSOUND-DEV:3555] Reset vs. reentrancy |
2003-11-26 21:53 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3554] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 21:44 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3553] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 21:32 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3552] Re: csound4 directory reorganization? |
2003-11-26 21:30 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3551] Re: csound/configure.ac revamped |
2003-11-26 19:47 | "Iain Duncan" | [CSOUND-DEV:3549] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 16:46 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3545] Re: Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-26 15:23 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3542] Re: Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-26 15:14 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3541] Re: Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-26 08:59 | Gabriel Maldonado | [CSOUND-DEV:3534] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 08:26 | Gabriel Maldonado | [CSOUND-DEV:3532] Re: Attren John FFitch |
2003-11-26 04:13 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3524] Re: -mno-cygwin |
2003-11-26 04:10 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3523] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 04:07 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3522] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 02:55 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3521] -mno-cygwin |
2003-11-26 00:59 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3517] Re: widgets.cpp |
2003-11-26 00:52 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3516] Re: Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-25 23:40 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3512] widgets.cpp |
2003-11-25 23:37 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3511] load_opcodes.c |
2003-11-25 22:44 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3510] Modifying some code |
2003-11-25 21:02 | jpff@codemist.co.uk | [CSOUND-DEV:3509] Reset in Csound5 |
2003-11-25 18:57 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3506] Re: Attren John FFitch |
2003-11-25 17:41 | Gabriel Maldonado | [CSOUND-DEV:3504] Re: Attren John FFitch |
2003-11-25 04:27 | "Robert McNulty Junior" | [CSOUND-DEV:3500] Attren John FFitch |
2003-11-25 04:20 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3499] Re: Joining the Csound Sourceforge CVS |
2003-11-25 04:18 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3498] Re: Musmon, cleanup(), csoundCleanup() |
2003-11-25 01:22 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3495] Re: Musmon, cleanup(), csoundCleanup() |
2003-11-24 14:25 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:3490] Re: Developers page - Update suggestions requested |
2003-11-24 05:14 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:3486] Re: Musmon, cleanup(), csoundCleanup() |
2003-11-23 23:52 | Anthony Kozar | [CSOUND-DEV:3482] Names like Musmon and frsturnon |
2003-11-23 22:50 | stevenyi | [CSOUND-DEV:3480] Developers page - Update suggestions requested |
2003-11-23 19:45 | Gabriel Maldonado | [CSOUND-DEV:3472] Re: FW: Re: Csound API Split, design |