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[CSOUND-DEV:3623] FluidOpcodes updated in Csound4 CVS

Date2003-12-04 04:27
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3623] FluidOpcodes updated in Csound4 CVS
Hi all,

I've updated the csound/soundfonts/fluidOpcodes opcodeLibrary once
again.  The opcodes have been redone to match fluid's own function
calls, and an additional opcode, fluid_program_select, has been added. 
The documentation in fluidOpcodes.cpp has been updated as well as the
test.csd and should be enough to explain it's usage.  

I'm not planning on much more beyond this for the time being so am
considering the current implementation stable.  If anything, opcodes
will be added but not changed, so future orchestras can expect to
function correctly.  
