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[CSOUND-DEV:3643] Re: widgets.cpp

Date2003-12-04 21:24
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3643] Re: widgets.cpp
Mixing the two would definitely be very bad.

If you can get cygwin with -mno_cygwin working, I would prefer that to
mingw, yes.

Original Message:
From: steven stevenyi@csounds.com
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 12:45:26 -0800
To: csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:3638] Re: widgets.cpp

I looked into it a bit more and it's hard to find clear information on 
it.  When I don't compile with -mno-cygwin, I get errors looking for:


from libfluidsynth.a.  using

nm libfluidsynth.a | grep __imp

it looks that it's using iob as an imported symbol. 

Now, I get confused here but there seem to be issues with when compiling 
with regular cygwin you're linking with libcygwin and when compiling 
with mingw/-mno-cygwin you're compiling against msvcrt, and mixing the 
two in any way is apparently *really* bad.  My guess is that for 
__imp____iob, it is not available in one of the cygwin compiled 
libraries but is in the microsoft libraries.

Anyways... the short version is I figured out is that it ends up being 
much easier for me to compile with mingw/-mno-cygwin than cygwin.  But 
I've also found it easier to use cygwin over mingw because of the bash 
shell and the locations of things being *nix-like, as well being able to 
run shell scripts like the autotools.  (I haven't tried MSYS however). 

For John R asking about -mno-cygwin: I've been putting it in as flag to 
both the compiler and linker.


gogins@pipeline.com wrote:

>Yes, I think you're right, it sounds like we are talking about different
>issues. I've only used mingw for CsoundVST or Csound, and I've only used
>Cygwin at work, so I'm not experienced with Cygwin and Csound.

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