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[CSOUND-DEV:3165] New commits for CsoundVST

Date2003-10-17 01:29
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3165] New commits for CsoundVST
I am pleased to report that I was able to rebuild CsoundVST on Windows with
the latest Csound 4.23 sources from CVS.

I particularly appreciate John Ramsdell's fix for the read-only output
soundfile, and that none of the changes by him (or anyone else) in the
Csound sources have broken CsoundVST.

I have committed two minor changes to the Csound sources. One restores the
ability of the Csound API to report score time. This is necessary for
CsoundVST to be able to loop properly. I understand that this may not work
for scores with changing tempo, but half a loaf is better than none. Another
adds to the MIDI interop opcodes in midiinterop.c the ability to convert
input pfields the same way as MIDI channel message note numbers. This of
course assumes that the input pfield is a MIDI key number, but it allows
standard Csound orchestras written with the midiinterop opcodes to work as
well with MIDI performance as they do with score performance, and without
any changes in pitch handling code.

I also have committed a large number of changes to CsoundVST itself. It is
now possible to run CsoundVST in Cubase or Orion Pro in both Python mode and
classic Csound mode. It also is now possible to start a performance, edit an
instrument definition, and recompile the orchestra during the performance to
get instant feedback on the new instrument. This is particularly useful when
looping, and enables the rapid fine-tuning of instrument definitions.

I fixed some bugs that were preventing proper score looping, and that were
preventing the consistent saving of Csound orchestras and scores in
CsoundVST as chunks within Cubase and Orion Pro songs.

Michael Gogins
gogins at pipeline period com
Irreducible Productions
Silence, a language for programming music and sound
Available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/silencevst/

Date2003-10-17 12:47
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3168] Re: New commits for CsoundVST
"Michael Gogins"  writes:

> I am pleased to report that I was able to rebuild CsoundVST on
> Windows with the latest Csound 4.23 sources from CVS.

Good news.

> I have committed two minor changes to the Csound sources. 

Please be sure to list your changes in the ChangeLog.  John ffitch has
been so good about listing his, and we should be too.

I have not had much luck playing with the beta in the csound5 module.
My plan was to create a CSound library, link it with the little driver
program I've shared on this list, and then run it under the memory
profiler that comes with a Red Hat 9 system.  I found out the profiler
generates a leak report I can share with developers.

When I went to build the library, the configure script in the csound5
module failed to detect I did not have FLTK installed, and configured
csound5 to use it anyway.  When I told the configure script FLTK was
missing, it still tried to use it until I told it to build without a
gui, however, my troubles were still not over.  It selected X11 to
draw graphs, but POLL_EVENTS is never defined in that configuration.
Worse yet, when I typed "make csound.a" to create the library, the
command did not include csound.o in the link command.  A find showed
no other *.a files created during the make.  How does one create a
library that provides the CSound API?
