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[CSOUND-DEV:3230] ftables internal to opcodes

Date2003-10-28 20:47
FromAlex Norman
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3230] ftables internal to opcodes
I'm new to this list.
Recently I've been developing some unit generators to read data and 
synthesize from analysis files made by ATS: 

Anyways I'm currently using a cosine f table to modulate noise bands into 
the correct place in the frequency spectrum, my opcode needs the user to 
provide an ftable but since it wouldn't be reasonable to use anything 
other than a cosine I figure I should try to make it so that the opcode 
creates the ftable itself (and so the user doesn't have to).

I'm wondering, can anyone point me to an opcode that does this? 
(internally defines an ftable and uses it), or give me some advice?

It looks like I need to use the functions in fgens.c but the documentation 
is not very thorough.

After this and a few more tests I should be able to make these opcodes 
available :)

Thank you,
Alex Norman
University of Washington

Date2003-10-28 21:04
FromJohn ffitch
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3231] Re: ftables internal to opcodes
Look at the lfo opcode.  This creates an internal sine wave for use as a 
lfo.  It is not a table in the normal sense.  If it really has to be a 
fixed table then it is better to generate as a fixed internal structure.

If this is not clear, then mail me direct, and I will try to be clearer.  
Mailing after dinner can be uncertain!
