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2007-07-12 18:16"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] bformdec 8-ring
2007-07-11 22:12Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Ambisonics Test File
2007-07-01 18:46Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] 5.06 windows installers replaced
2007-06-28 16:13Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] No NYCSUG meeting in July
2007-06-19 16:34Anthony Kozar [Cs-dev] csound.sourceforge.net updated
2007-06-13 12:13"Hector Centeno" Re: crackling sound on F7 - using Csound in realtime
2007-06-10 21:24Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Windows installers refreshed
2007-06-07 02:48"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] [Csnd] New York Csound Users Group Meeting Tomorrow
2007-06-07 02:39"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group Meeting Tomorrow
2007-05-30 03:20"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Announcement: New York Csound Users Group Meeting
2007-05-21 03:17Niklas Klügel[Cs-dev] [LAU] [Csound] OFFTOPIC - seven/sixteen EP released (done with some of your favorite open-source tools)
2007-05-04 12:01Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] OT: SBCM'2007: one month to submission deadline
2007-04-30 21:07Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] ANNOUCEMENT -- New York Csound Users Group Meeting
2007-04-17 12:54"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Cs-dev] OT: Csound5 Concert in Boston and NY
2007-04-14 20:00"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] CsoundAV; was vst4cs on linux
2007-04-05 01:30"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Pianoteq 2.0
2007-04-02 15:49Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group Meeting
2007-03-30 02:01"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] CsoundVST in Sonar
2007-03-17 16:40"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Cs-dev] Serious Audio Explosion - Csound5.05 - OS X 10.4.9
2007-03-16 01:07Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] [Csnd] CsoundVST_wrapp.cc error
2007-03-13 02:54"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Csound 5.05 installers replaced
2007-02-27 18:56Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Reminder - NYCSUG Meeting This Thursday
2007-02-23 12:32"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group Meeting
2007-02-06 15:45Michael Gogins Reminder - New York Csound Users Group Meeting This Thursday
2007-02-01 01:13Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] [Csnd] Csound 5 - Getting Started
2007-01-26 16:12Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] AARGH - reschedule New York Csound Users Group meeting!
2007-01-24 20:26Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group Meeting
2007-01-24 03:02Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Linux vs windows again
2007-01-23 02:56"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Windows versus Linux performance
2007-01-17 22:14Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] BT and Csound, revisited
2007-01-16 23:14Jean Piché[Cs-dev] alsa & dmix on OLPC -- help needed.
2007-01-10 19:33Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] Status Update Request
2007-01-05 01:46"Art Hunkins" [Cs-dev] Basic Windows GUI?
2006-12-06 22:31Dave Phillips Linux soundapps site final update
2006-12-06 13:51Simon Schampijer [Cs-dev] [OT] Reminder::Linux Audio Conference #5 (LAC2007): Call for Papers - Music
2006-12-01 16:35"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] sensekey
2006-11-18 00:49"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Csound API Reference now online
2006-11-15 03:48"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Windows installers for Csound 5.04
2006-11-13 18:13Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Reminder -- New York Csound Users Group this Thursday
2006-11-10 17:17[Cs-dev] Happy Birthday to DrB
2006-11-09 04:16Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group
2006-11-06 08:53"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Cs-dev] A General MIDI Soundfont Player Instrument Contest
2006-11-03 13:42"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Cs-dev] Fwd: [Csnd] FileBox Re: [Csnd] counting k-rate cycles
2006-11-01 00:01"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] NYCSUG meetings
2006-10-16 08:24David Worrall [Cs-dev] opcode timing script?
2006-10-15 19:06"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] NYCSUG meetings
2006-09-29 01:59"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] [Csnd] OT - ICMC2007
2006-09-29 01:58"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] [Csnd] Experiences with audio on DVD 24/96
2006-09-16 19:45Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Csound installers for Csound version 5.03.01
2006-09-07 16:05Torsten Anders [OT] Strasheela 0.8.1 has been released