| For looping, try flooper2 with the soundfile
loaded into a ftable using GEN01.
> Hi!
> Experimenting with creating kind of a sample playback
> instrument. This is what the instrument looks right now
> (Thank you Victor, Luis, Jacob and others..!):
> instr 60
> idur = p3 ; duration of note
> ivol = p4 ; volume
> ipan = p5 * 1.570796327 ; pan
> aleft, aright diskin "Grand/80/60.wav", 1
> aenv linseg 0, 0.02, 1, idur - 0.04, 1, 0.02, 0 ;
> envelope for avoiding clicks
> aleft = aleft * ivol * cos(ipan) * aenv
> aright = aright * ivol * sin(ipan) * aenv
> outs aleft, aright
> endin
> I want to extend the functionality of this, using multiple
> wav samples (if possible)...
> 1. Does Csound instruments allow more than one diskin
> wav playback
> simultaneously, for example for mixing over time
> between them?
> 2. Would this be possible: Wav A for note attack,
> mixing into Waw B
> for note sustain (preferably with looping), mixing into
> Wav C for release?
> I don't need any midi realtime control of mixing etc
> (right now). I realize that what I want to accomplish
> should be possible by clever use of different instruments
> and score files together, but it would be nice to have it
> in the instrument area...
> Best regards!
> Jonas Nyström
> |