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how do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?

Date2007-08-14 14:22
From"phundamental unaudio"
Subjecthow do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?
AttachmentsNone  None  

Date2007-08-14 14:56
From"phundamental unaudio"
SubjectRe: how do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?
AttachmentsNone  None  

Date2007-08-14 15:49
From"phundamental unaudio"
SubjectRe: how do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?
AttachmentsNone  None  

Date2007-08-14 15:55
From"phundamental unaudio"
SubjectRe: how do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?
AttachmentsNone  None  

Date2007-08-14 16:20
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: how do i uninstall csound that's built from source under linux?
In order to build the whole of Csound you have to have all the dependencies
installed properly. Most of the problems reported here are to do with this.
The binary releases work perfectly well for the systems they were built for.
I have been building Csound on Linux (as well as OSX and Windows) without
any problems whatsover for many years (mostly from CVS).

The install.py thing should be sorted out, but it does not stop anyone from
installing it. Besides there is no real need for installing Csound in order to
use it, all you need to do is build from sources, point OPCODEDIR to your 
directory and possibly add it to your path. That is the way I do it on Linux
and it works perfectly.

When building from sources it is important to kow what scons tells you,
look at the config.log to see what was not found and why.


At 15:55 14/08/2007, you wrote:
>i think this is a very serious issue for new csound users. all you 
>encounter is a never ending stream of features not working or not 
>compiling, not to mention binary releases for linux which are laughable at 
>best. i am not sure how is it on other platforms but i can hardly picture 
>a user who would not have given up by now, almost every time i try to 
>enable a new feature csound wont compile and this has been this way from 
>the very beginning. i have tried my best to have all the dependencies 
>right and it will still choke no matter what you try. (sorry for being in 
>a grumpy mood i spend all day recompiling csound)
>On 8/14/07, phundamental unaudio 
><unaudio@gmail.com> wrote:
>also i cant seem to be able to compile python opcodes on 5.05 (as in they 
>simply dont exist even when i use buildPythonOpcodes=1) python 2.5 issue maybe?
>On 8/14/07, phundamental unaudio 
><unaudio@gmail.com> wrote:
>also. i cant seem to even install it. the widgets wont work (WARNING: 
>could not open library '/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins/libwidgets.so' 
>(/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins/libwidgets.so: undefined symbol: 
>_ZN2Fl4lockEv). that is after i used the install.py script. is the new 
>version even usable?
>On 8/14/07, phundamental unaudio < 
>unaudio@gmail.com> wrote:
>Every other scons using software has an uninstall target but how do i do 
>it when it comes to csound?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth