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Re: csLADSPA in Rosegarden

Date2007-08-20 22:46
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: csLADSPA in Rosegarden
The slider is expected, as the plugin defines one:

ControlPort =    Gain    |  gain
Range =  0|    2

Now the distortion, I don't know. The max gain
will double the amplitude, so it might distort.

I never used Rosengarden, so I don't know anything
about it. So far I tested csladspa on Linux and
OSX with Audacity and Ardour and it works as expected
on both programs and both systems.


> Rosegarden doesn't see the plugins, and Muse does.  I have
> set LADSPA_PATH and all, and the plugin is apparently okay
> , as Muse and Audacity both see it.  I'm testing with the
> gainStereo.csd from the examples page. Interestingly,
> Audacity, running the plugin, shows a slider for setting
> the gain, and on processing the audio, it becomes
> completely distorted. I'm not real dead-set on using
> csLADSPA with Audacity, but does anyone know why it would
> show up in Muse and not Rosegarden?  I have been told that
> Rosegarden does recognize the variable LADSPA_PATH. I
> tried running analyseplugin on gainStereo.csd, and was
> told it has an invalid ELF header...
> -Chuckk
> --
> http://www.badmuthahubbard.com