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2016-05-13 15:23jpff [Csnd-dev] Windows bug #567
2016-05-12 15:55jpff [Csnd-dev] Long delayed release of 6.07
2016-05-10 15:02Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] disabling libflac, libogg, etc...
2016-05-10 09:29Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] converting from doubles to floats...
2016-05-09 19:23Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] can we still link dynamically to third party libs on Windows?
2016-05-07 11:23Guillermo Senna [Csnd-dev] pffft.h
2016-05-04 11:16John [Csnd-dev] rtpa failure
2016-05-02 17:10jpff [Csnd-dev] Mabnual failure
2016-05-01 15:26Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Proposal: wait opcode
2016-05-01 12:28jpff [Csnd-dev] [OT] Git problem
2016-05-01 03:19joachim heintz [Csnd-dev] cannot build
2016-04-28 14:38jpff [Csnd-dev] for Windows users/developers
2016-04-26 21:41Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd-dev] Windows rc4, portaudio not built with ASIO?
2016-04-24 00:05Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Windows Build Failure
2016-04-20 21:20Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] non-English characters and Csound...
2016-04-20 14:18Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd-dev] transeg delay
2016-04-19 20:23jpff [Csnd-dev] more on moogladder
2016-04-19 14:39Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] New build errors on mingw64
2016-04-18 23:38Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] Windows woes...
2016-04-18 14:48jpff [Csnd-dev] make test failure
2016-04-16 17:45jpff [Csnd-dev] Manual issue
2016-04-13 19:49Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Big slowdown in csoundScoreEvent
2016-04-12 12:57jpff [Csnd-dev] Still failing to build
2016-04-11 04:06Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Issue with RTTI (word sizing and structure padding)
2016-04-10 17:37jpff [Csnd-dev] question on OSX
2016-04-10 08:07Karin Daum [Csnd-dev] How to get the current develop version of Csound?
2016-04-09 12:41jpff [Csnd-dev] build failure
2016-04-09 11:52Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd-dev] libwinpthread-1
2016-04-07 17:55Andres Cabrera [Csnd-dev] Python interfaces
2016-04-07 14:52Guillermo Senna [Csnd-dev] No more 32-bit Windows installers?
2016-04-07 04:59Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] New release candidate for Csound Windows installer for 64 bit CPU architecture
2016-04-04 16:03SUBSCRIBE CSOUND Anonymous [Csnd-dev] OSC API examples
2016-04-04 13:48jpff [Csnd-dev] manual for JackoInit
2016-04-03 18:09Anders Genell [Csnd-dev] dconv and arrays
2016-04-03 15:25Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Release candidate Csound installer for Windows 64 bit CPU architecture
2016-04-03 14:50jpff [Csnd-dev] Manual example wanted
2016-04-03 13:58Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Serious problem with -j
2016-04-03 13:37jpff [Csnd-dev] build failure
2016-04-03 12:21Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] odd issue with latest Windows build...?
2016-04-02 13:06Victor Lazzarini [Csnd-dev] release date?
2016-04-02 11:49Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Status of MSYS2/mingw64 build for Windows installer.
2016-04-02 08:19Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Memory problem for x64
2016-04-01 10:32Victor Lazzarini [Csnd-dev] beta installer - OSX
2016-03-31 19:32Victor Lazzarini [Csnd-dev] OSX version broken by commit d6d175df82abc43b56db28639bd66084d1cd7a28
2016-03-31 13:06Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] Temporary Csound files
2016-03-31 10:45Stephen Kyne [Csnd-dev] Ubuntu on Windows
2016-03-31 01:57SUBSCRIBE CSOUND Anonymous [Csnd-dev] undefined reference to "csound_functions"
2016-03-30 13:25Cristiano Piatti [Csnd-dev] libcsound.dll
2016-03-29 17:03jpff [Csnd-dev] moogladder
2016-03-28 21:40jpff [Csnd-dev] Problems in ATS/atsa/...