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2017-03-29 15:50Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] csoundGetMIDIDevList does not return anything with jack midi module
2017-03-29 09:41Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] negative p1 with named instrument
2017-03-28 10:05Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] libcsnd6 OSX libc++ libstdc++
2017-03-27 06:09Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Commit d426527a4db008b55ee7990be0483e0ed8bb181d completely worthless
2017-03-25 06:16Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd-dev] manual build
2017-03-23 11:50Stephen Kyne [Csnd-dev] MYFLT2LRND + MYFLT2LONG macros and usage
2017-03-22 23:40Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Intel MKL
2017-03-21 07:14Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] Release?
2017-03-18 23:32Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Mingw64 no-pthread issue (cond vars)
2017-03-17 21:56scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-17 21:12scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-17 17:24jpff [Csnd-dev] modelling in coverity/travis
2017-03-16 16:46scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-16 15:59scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-08 22:58scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-08 22:18scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-08 16:50Tarmo Johannes [Csnd-dev] csoundGetModule and rtmidi jack
2017-03-08 00:58Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] MSVC: Latest
2017-03-06 17:05Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] Open Issues on github
2017-03-06 16:35jpff [Csnd-dev] Open Issues on github
2017-03-06 16:19scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-06 15:31scan-admin@COVERITY.COM[Csnd-dev] Coverity Scan: Analysis completed for csound/csound
2017-03-04 20:47Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Status: Pthreads/Visual Studio
2017-02-25 05:32Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] csGblMtx.h - necessary?
2017-02-23 17:56Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Making Pthreads optional
2017-02-22 08:06Anders Genell [Csnd-dev] Fwd: [openal] Buffer fill callback
2017-02-18 21:52Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Crashing bug
2017-02-15 22:32Anders Genell [Csnd-dev] csLADSPA CUDA room correction
2017-02-15 16:02jpff [Csnd-dev] Does anyone rely on pus and pop opcodes?
2017-02-12 20:37Anders Genell [Csnd-dev] Fwd: [openal] Buffer fill callback
2017-02-12 20:20Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] Visiting Australia
2017-02-12 20:03Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting on hold until May 4, 2017
2017-02-12 15:47Steven Yi [Csnd-dev] Issue with strings in score
2017-02-11 20:16andy fillebrown [Csnd-dev] alwayson missing from Csound6.08.1_Win64_minimal.zip?
2017-02-11 05:25Rory Walsh [Csnd-dev] python issue..
2017-02-10 20:48jpff [Csnd-dev] SIMD use in Csound
2017-02-07 22:21Ed Costello [Csnd-dev] Csound Plugin framework
2017-02-05 20:42jpff [Csnd-dev] Warning: major change
2017-02-02 00:48Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] API docs
2017-02-01 08:39Victor Lazzarini [Csnd-dev] API docs
2017-01-31 16:20jpff [Csnd-dev] manual on pvsgain
2017-01-30 23:39Michael Gogins [Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday evening, February 2
2017-01-27 18:15Victor Lazzarini [Csnd-dev] AuxAllocAsync
2017-01-27 00:24John ffitch [Csnd-dev] fails to build again
2017-01-24 16:39Ed Costello [Csnd-dev] Csound Web player and online Manual projects
2017-01-24 14:26jpff [Csnd-dev] Documenting new opcodes
2017-01-20 16:32Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] manual question
2017-01-19 18:50Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] manual totally broken
2017-01-19 18:06Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] manual totally broken
2017-01-19 17:38Nate Whetsell Re: [Csnd-dev] manual totally broken